Dragon's prey [Charlie x Reader] - Requested

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Title: Dragon's prey 

Pairing: Charlie Weasley x Reader

Word count: 3.1k

Published: 19 August 2021

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Request: "Charlie Weasley x female reader. where it's her last year so she decide to join the Triwizard Tournament. During the 1st task, she gets the dragon egg but suffered burns/injuries. All the while Charlie was secretly backstage watching her complete the task while being worried sick yet proud of her. When she gets back into the tent she is surprised to see her bf Charlie. She didn't know he was in hogwarts, believing that he was in Romania. Anyways he takes over and nurses her injuries." 

Notes: If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it's completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3 [ ko-fi.com/heloisedaphnebrightmore ]

Charlie hated that he couldn't see you until your Christmas break, but you had to go back to finish your last year in Hogwarts and he knew after you graduated, he'd have all the time in the world to spend with you. He worked hard, trying to distract himself whilst only being able to exchange a couple of letters a week with you. He prepared himself for 4 months of utter hell without the soft kisses you liked to press to his forehead, your wandering hands curiously running through his ginger locks, your soft body curled against his, basking in each other's warmth. Even the thought of spending one more minute without you was hell and he often found himself daydreaming about you. But all those thoughts seemed to vanish from his mind when he received your last letter. His heart halted for a mere moment as he attempted to read the lines, his trembling hands complicating the simple task.

Your handwriting was disorganised and rushed; the parchment filled with spots of dried teardrops. All his muscles tensed at the sight of the short letter you'd sent. He couldn't believe his own eyes as he processed what you'd done. He knew at times you were reckless but throwing your name in the Goblet of fire had to be the stupidest thing you'd ever done. His lips quivered as he reread the letter over and over and over again, hoping it was part of a horrible prank and maybe— just maybe there was an indication that it wasn't real. But he couldn't miss the messy handwriting, he couldn't ignore the dried spots of what he knew without a doubt to be teardrops and most of all, he knew you enough to realise you'd never joke about such things. Not when you knew he'd lose his mind.

From that moment, Charlie's mind filled with thoughts that he wished to never think of. He couldn't pay attention to the dragons in his care, he couldn't focus on the meetings and discussions and couldn't get himself to see anything but you. He didn't care that flying in daylight was not permitted nor did he care about the Ministry punishing him for it. He took his broom and flew across countries high in the sky, after spending days in miserable despair waiting for a reply to his scolding letter. But your answer never came. His worst nightmares replayed in his mind as though they were stuck in a broken muggle film projector. He tried to shake the thoughts out of his head, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he could see your mangled body lying in a pool of your blood, his favourite pair of eyes clouded in a thin mist without a hint of light to break through.

As soon as he arrived at Hogsmeade— after 3 days of flying and stopping in crumbling, old motels— he rushed up the hills leading to the castle, separated by a large gate made of metal. He knew he wasn't supposed to be there and so did Professor Flitwick who looked at him as if he had accidentally grown another head since his arrival.

"Mr. Weasley?" He asked with a confused frown across his brows, securely standing behind the metal bars that separated him from Charlie. "What is your business here today?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.

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