Fancy you, love! pt. 2|2 [Cedric x Reader] - Requested

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Title: Fancy you, love! pt.2

Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Female!Gryffindor!Reader

Word count: 1.7k

Published: 17 September, 2020

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Notes: So after writing part.1 as requested for my sleepover, I decided to write a part.2 as there was a request for it again. I hope you will enjoy it as much as you enjoyed part.1, which I hated and ended up being my most popular fic. Who understands?! xD - [tumblr]

You stood at the entrance of the Hogwarts castle with your luggage in one hand, your winter jacket laying on your other arm. You heaved a deep sigh as you watched the falling snowflakes covering the grounds in white, waiting to head home for the Christmas break.

You tried to get rid of your anxious feelings, but nothing seemed to work. Your heart was beating unsteadily, your palms were sweaty, your breathing shallow, your thoughts ran around in circles.

You didn't even recognise the presence beside you, you were beyond lost in your mind's little games. You only realised him standing beside you, when he got hold of your hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Calm down, love." He spoke in a soothing voice, which usually worked, but this time it didn't give you the needed satisfaction.

"Cedric, they will be on our case for the rest of the night." You replied.

"Let them. They planned our wedding before we even got together." He scoffed, as if he was enjoying the situation, as if he found it comical.

"It's not funny. I love our parents, but they aren't sane." You rolled your eyes, before heaving a deep sigh.

"I think, it's funny." He shrugged with a cheeky grin.

"Look at my face. Do I look like I'm having fun?" You offered him your most sceptical expression.

"I mean, you do look funny." He grinned, trying to avert your anxious mind and you didn't even realise how successful he was.

"I hate you, Cedric Diggory. Please, remind me again, why did I agree to go out with you?" You asked with a raised brow, doubting your own sanity this time.

"I'm irresistible. You feel this pull towards me. You can't deny the strong feelings you have for me. It's like you can't breathe without me." He replied with a dramatic tone.

"Yeah, I am very much questioning why I started going out with you." You rolled your eyes with a bored expression. He leaned closer, stopping beside your ear, leaving just a couple of inches in between you.

"When you moan my name in your sleep, you seem quite convinced." He snorted as he quickly pulled back, stepping away from your hand, which was about strike on the back of his head. "Too late." He grinned as he stepped back from you towards the carriages, leaving you a blushing mess.

"You will be the death of me, Cedric Diggory." You groaned as you followed him.


It's been 3 months since you and Cedric started going out. It has been perfect; the boy has been perfect, and you were head over heels for him. After about two months, Cedric decided to send a letter to his mother, telling her that you have been officially going out. She was beyond happy; her letter contained all sorts of adoring words for you.

As much as you loved Cedric's mom and knew she approved of you being with her son, it still made you worried. You didn't know why, but in the pit of your stomach, there was an uncomfortable feeling. You weren't sure if you were shaking out of fear or the cold winter weather got to you, but either way, it didn't make you feel any better.

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