High on bravery [Oliver x Reader]

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Title: High on bravery

Pairing: Oliver Wood x Female!Reader

Word count: 2k

Published: 1 October, 2020

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Notes: A very busy "Queen of Oliver Wood fics" is back. It's just a little something something. I didn't want to write anything serious, just something. I don't make sense, do I? Just go ahead and read it. <3

You flew across the quidditch pitch, the quaffle tucked under your arm, leaning forward on your broom. You were barely visible, your speed making heads turn, people screaming your name from the spectator stand. It was only a couple inches more until the hoops, just a couple, but you didn't reach the end of those couple of inches.

You felt something collide with your chest, air squeezed out of you, your eyes involuntarily closing, your hands slipping off your broom, as you felt yourself falling. It didn't register in your head though, not the fall, nor the pain in your chest. By the time you were free-falling, your brain shut down, darkness taking you with itself.


When you woke up, you heard nothing. It was completely silent around you, except for the little waterdrops coming from a sink near you. You forced your eyes open, the dim light still hurting your vision, making you blink furiously.

Looking around, you recognised the Hospital wing and its old, metal-framed beds, one of them which you have been occupying. You threw the cover off yourself to see a huge bandage going across your chest. You weren't wearing a shirt or a hospital gown, your chest and ribs were carefully covered only in a piece of thick bandage.

You couldn't remember anything, other than being hit, before it all went pitch black. You were having difficulty breathing, but you didn't want to just stay put. You forced yourself to sit up, heaving deep breaths as your legs hang low on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to force them down against the cold ground. So, you moved. You placed your feet on the floor, groaning at the uncomfortable feeling in your chest, feeling as if you have been denied air.

You stood up steadily, or so you thought, before you felt your legs wobble, forcing you to quickly get hold of the frame of the bed beside you. You heaved a deep sigh, trying to calm yourself as you felt anger rose inside of you. You felt useless as you weren't in full control of your own body. Your head was spinning from the huge dose of pain-relieving potions you have been given. It was as if you weren't even in your own body, only partially.

You huffed in an annoyed tone, feeling fed up of being incapable of controlling yourself. You stood up, steading yourself on the ground, groaning at the sharp pain returning in your ribcage. You took a step further, wanting nothing but going up to your room and lay down. The last place you wanted to be at was the Hospital wing, acting as if you were weak and couldn't handle a little bump.

One step, two, step, three step - you felt proud of yourself. It was going well finally. Your feet were cold, your ribs screaming for rest, your head feeling funny, occasionally giving you double vision or a blurry sight, but you were standing, walking.

You continued taking slow steps, realising it would take longer to go up to your dorm, than you wanted. So you sped up. You wanted to at least, before your legs and head decided to disagree with you. You felt a sharp pain in your head, your legs wobbling under you as you lost your balance, your eyes shutting immediately, waiting to collide with the hard and cold ground.

But it never came. You felt a presence beside you, an arm wrapped around your waist, before they steadied you in a standing position. You opened your eyes to meet your favourite chocolate brown irises, now holding a stern gaze.

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