Weasley secrecy [George x Reader] - Requested

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Title: Weasley secrecy

Pairing: George Weasley x Reader

Word count: 2.1k

Published: 4 July 2021

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Request: [tumblr]

"you're not supposed to be together at the moment, but you're caught up with each other in your room, making-out on the bed. suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and your lover has to hide in the wardrobe, before your friend/parent enter. alternatively, if you walk past the wardrobe your lover is hiding in, while trying to get your friend/parent to leave the room, your lover pulls you into it, and suddenly you've disappeared, leaving your friend/parent flabbergasted because where are you"

Notes: If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it's completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3 [ ko-fi.com/heloisedaphnebrightmore ]

You were spending your summer break over at the Burrow, the house filled with loud conversations, heartfelt laughters and bickering between the siblings, needing Molly to get involved and try calming them down. In the meantime, Arthur sat in his armchair, right beside the fireplace that has been out of use for the past couple of months and let his wife deal with their kids with a playful smile in the corner of his lips, hidden by the newspaper he pretended to focus on.

By the evening, Ginny and Ron were arguing over something trivial for the umpteenth time that day, but you didn't pay attention to them, instead you leaned into George's side on the couch and enjoyed the warmth his arm around your shoulder provided you. Even the bickering siblings couldn't ruin the relaxing atmosphere your boyfriend's presence offered you.

"Friends, huh?" Fred smirked at you from across the room, seated in a soft chair, legs thrown over the arm.

"Here we go," George rolled his eyes, sending a deadly glare towards his brother. There was no particular reason for you to hide your relationship from his family, but George and you found the secrecy somewhat fun. It's only been a couple of months since your friendship turned into a romantic relationship, but you weren't rushing to share the news. As George put it, he just wanted you to himself for a little longer.

"What?" Fred shrugged. "Would you like me to pretend to be blind?" He arched a questioning brow.

"Seeing something that's not there doesn't mean you are blind, simply delusional," you shrugged nonchalantly, imitating him.

"Aren't you just smart?" He offered you a smirk. "I'm not dumb, however hard it is to believe. I know you both like the back of my hand. I don't get why you are hiding it, but I'm onto you," he narrowed his eyes, studying both of you with a suspicious look.

"Ignore him, he has nothing better to do," George squeezed your shoulder with a playful smile across his handsome face, the dim light of the living room enhancing his tiny freckles. Mirroring his expression, you nodded and leaned back into his embrace.

"Enough," Molly raised her voice, shutting down the argument between Ron and Ginny, making you slightly jump at his authoritative tone. "All of you, go to sleep," she continued and ran her eyes over everyone present in the room.

"Us as well?" Fred asked, pointing towards his chest, his eyes widening as Molly nodded in confirmation. "We haven't even done anything," he tried to argue, but Molly shook her head.

"I don't care, I have had enough for today," she huffed as she headed to the kitchen. Molly has been trying to keep the fights at bay, starting with Fred and George's food fight at breakfast, followed by a prolonged bickering between Charlie and Percy at lunch and the ongoing feud throughout the whole day with Ginny and Ron. It was a miracle that they didn't turn the burrow into a war zone by the evening.

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