Chapter 11

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                                                                                 (Taylor's POV) 

    Things are going well between Lynn and I or at least I feel like it is. I have no clue where her mind is at with all this but I am ready to spend the time that I need figuring things out. We are trying so hard to figure out what we want. Lynn's tour ends in a month and she hasn't decided on what she is going to do when it is over. I have struggled with the fact that I am gay for a long time but I am finally open to being the person that I truly am and embracing it. I came out after the band formed, not to the fans yet but to my friends and family. My family didn't take it as well as I thought they would which impacted me a lot. It made things difficult for me for quite some time. My band mates took me in and gave me a place to stay. I got really lucky. Lynn on the other hand as been out since we were in high school. She formed a band because she wants to show the fans that you can be yourself and still do what you love. You can still be successful. She wanted to prove it to the fans who look up to her as their idol. It is such a huge deal. Her being honest about who she is one of a million reasons that I can name of why I love her. 

  Today I am at the studio, working on new music by myself. It is great to get to know more about myself as I go through this process of making a new album, I am learning more and more about myself. I knew that my song writing would get stronger but the inspiration that I have gotten lately has been amazing. I have no clue what is gonna come next for me but I am excited for whatever it may be. Not only am I working on my own new music, I am also in the middle of producing a band's first album. They are a newer band but it I have enjoyed working with them so far. 

  There is a knock on the door. I turn off my equipment for a moment. "Come in!" I call out. 

  "Hey." The lead singer of the band whose album I am working on, walks in. Their name is Masi. "Were you in the middle of something?" 

  "Yes I was but it is okay. I have more studio time set for tomorrow so you're fine. Plus it is my job to produce your album. That is what I am getting paid to do." I state, moving my chair over so they can sit down. 

  "Yeah that's true. I have a couple of ideas I want to run by you." They state. They start going through the ideas that they have. I listen to their ideas and take notes. We start editing more of the album. It is amazing to think about the fact that I am able to produce music for a living. It is something I love doing and have gotten incredibly good at it. Bands and musicians are putting their trust in me. It is a wonderful feeling to have that especially with everything that has been going in my head lately. Music gives me a great escape from all of that. 

  "I like some of those ideas but there are a couple that I want to run by you. I want this album to work out for you guys." I explain my ideas to them as I focus on the work. I am doing what I can for them and their band. 

  Masi smiles. "Those ideas are way better than mine. I don't know why I thought that my ideas would work better or well at all I mean." 

  "Your ideas are great but do you like my ideas?" I ask. 

  "I do like your ideas." Masi states. "Lets go for those ideas. I will get the band and we can get started?" They ask. 

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