Chapter 23

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                                                                                 (Taylor's POV)

     Today I am starting to look through wedding stuff. It is crazy to think about the fact that Lynn and I are starting to plan our wedding. We are taking a little while before deciding on our wedding date. It is better for us to figure out some other important things before deciding on a date, like our clothes, flowers, and the venue. The venue we have to do walk-throughs before deciding on a venue and then the date. It is insane to think about the fact that this is happening. Lynn and I got a second chance at being together and we are going to spend the rest of our lives with the person we love. Not only are we starting to plan today but we also meet each other's parents tonight. It is a lot of pressure especially because I haven't really come out to my parents yet. 

  "You okay?" Lynn asks me as she looks through something on her computer, that I am not allowed to see. 

  "I am fine. I am currently trying to not freak out about the fact that I am coming out to my parents tonight." I answer, trying not to get in my head. It is a huge deal to tell my parents that I'm gay. I never told them that I am gay and every time that I dated someone it became a major issue for the both of us. They were always open about them being gay and I wasn't. I am nervous about whether my parents will be okay with it or not. I can never tell where their heads are at with things. It is insane to think about it but it is beyond time for me to tell them. 

   "You got this. Whatever happens I am here for you. I am going to marry you whether they accept you or not." Lynn assures me that she has my back no matter what. She has always supported me and never let me forget it. I am so lucky to have her as my partner. She is the person who I never stopped loving. To call her my fiance is such a special thing. 

  "Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. Plus loving me. It is such a wonderful feeling." I state as I hug her. "I don't know how this is going to go tonight but having you there with me will help a lot. Plus meeting your parents for the first time is also terrifying." 

  "I know, I'm nervous to meet your parents as well. You are the one I am spending the rest of my life with and that is enough for me." She says, kissing me on the cheek. She is amazing for being the one who is not only my fiance but she is also my best friend. Not everyone gets that lucky but it makes us stronger as a couple. 

  "I'm glad that I'm not the only one nervous about this." I say, kissing her on the lips sweetly. She is such a wonderful person. I check the time because I am worried about being late for the dinner. Luckily we are meeting them at a restaurant instead of at my parents house. It means I can go outside and take a break if I need to. It is such a huge deal. I will need to get my head together before we leave. I get to have a mental break before we head to dinner. It isn't for a while which helps me. I need to be able to be me while dealing with the craziness that is my parents. The rest of the family comes into town next week to hear about the news and to visit for a little bit. 

   "Should we turn on a movie since we have a little bit of time before we have to get ready?" She asks, grabbing the TV remote off the coffee table. 

  "Yes we have time to watch a movie, you dork." I answer as I pull her into my side on the couch. 

  She smiles at me. "I love you so much." She states as she cuddles into me. 

   "I love you too." I state, kissing her on the lips deeply. The rest of the day goes by with us watching a movie before getting ready to head to the restaurant where we are about to take on a huge milestone. I go into my closet and start hunting for my outfit for tonight. It is a huge deal for the both of us to meet each other's parents and for me I'm coming out to my parents. I know it is a risk but it shouldn't be. If they really love me they will support me and accept me. I am doing the best that I can for myself. If that isn't enough for them that is their fault. I am being the best person I can be and I am also so successful. 

  "That is the perfect outfit for tonight." Lynn says, looking at my outfit choice for tonight. 

  "Thanks your outfit is perfect for tonight as well." I say as I continue to get ready for the night. It is a huge deal for the both of us to be open tonight. I can feel the nerves getting worse as it gets closer to time to leave. Thankfully I know how to calm myself down when I need to. It is important to know that. I know that there is a lot for me to improve on as a artist and person. I have come a long way from when I first started and that's something. I am continuing to make music the way that I want to. I have always been true to myself as an artist and I am go to continue to do that. Its why my fans love me as a musician. I love that I get to make music for a living and it is a dream come true. 

   We head out to the restaurant to meet the parents. During the car ride I can feel the nerves starting to get to me. There is a lot that we are doing tonight. I am well aware of the pressure that I am feeling from meeting Lynn's parents and from coming out to my parents. It is a huge deal to tell them the part of myself that I have been hiding from them for my whole life. There is a part of me that is terrified of how they are going to react because they are religious. It is terrifying for me to tell them that I have a fiance who is another woman when they don't know the truth yet. I'm coming out at the same time as telling them about my fiance. 

  When we arrive at the restaurant, I take a few deep breaths before heading inside. I squeeze her hand for a moment before we walk into the restaurant. The other good thing about being in a restaurant is the fact that I can go to the bathroom if this goes horribly wrong. We get to the table and sit down next to each other. I take a deep breath. "Before we get started there is something I need to tell you, Mom and Dad." I state, biting my lip. 

  "What is it?" My mom asks me. 

  "Mom, Dad, I'm gay. I have known for a long time but I was always too terrified to tell you because I didn't know how you would react." I tell them. It takes a few minutes before either one of them says anything to me. 

  My dad is the first one to speak. "We already knew. We were just waiting for you to tell us. We love you for you. You are our daughter and nothing you do or say will change that." He states. I'm glad that it went way better than I thought it would. 

  Lynn introduces me to her parents before we all continue talking. "So there is a reason we all are here." She takes a few seconds to get her thoughts together before continuing. "Taylor and I are engaged! And we would love for you all to be at the wedding." 

  "My first question is, how long did you date for before getting engaged? And second, when is the wedding?" Lynn's mom asks. 

  I answer the question. "We got engaged on our one year anniversary which was two weeks ago. We haven't set a date yet because it has only been two weeks. We are starting to plan a little bit but we are enjoying the engagement right now." 

   Dinner goes by really well because Lynn and I were able to talk to our parents about the wedding without any issues. I am glad that everything went well. It was a lovely ending to spend with each other's future in-laws. I am so lucky that it went better than I expected it to. I am getting married which is a wonderful feeling for me. I'm excited for Lynn and I's future together. 

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