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Waking up in the infirmary was as shitty of a thing as it sounded. It was always annoyingly the same. Never changing.

But on the plus side, he reached the abyss without a pill. On the negative side, it didn't feel as good waking up afterwards. At least the pill numbed things somehow. Perhaps a side effect or something.

He preferred the pill, to be honest. The 'premium shit' was too good to beat. Which brought him to his current predicament. He was in pain. He didn't know why, but he was. It radiated from everywhere. He was healing nicely, what happened?

Groaning, Katsuki forced his eyes open and immediately went to look at his thighs. He pressed a hand against his pants and when he let go, there was no blood.

(Since when did the infirmary have bright orange walls?

He then moved onto the arm Dabi had cauterized. The little hearts carved into his skin seemed to smile at him under the bandages as he pressed on the bandages to check it. No blood there either.

(Why the hell did his hand have four fingers?)

He checked his other arm. Toga had done minimal hearts, instead being replaced by cute suns. Damn, he really was a children's picture. Flowers, suns, hearts. What else was left... A butterfly. He should have Toga fix it to a butterfly. That would match the theme perfectly.

But besides that, he seemed to be fine. So where was the pain from?

"You had a shark attack" He leisurely turned to look at the Recovery Girl.

(Had a shark attack? What the hell?)

"Why th' hell 're you s'ill 'ere?" He slurred out. What the fuck was going on? What was wrong with him?

(What the fuck was wrong with her? Why did she have a police uniform on?)

"We can't just leave you" The woman smiled, teeth sharper than Shitty-Hair's. "That wouldn't be very heroic of us"

"Mnhn. Don' f'l goo'" He told her. But instead of moving to help, she simply sat there, smiling at him with her ever creepy grin.

Katsuki was beginning to feel uncomfortable. And by uncomfortable, he meant fucking terrified. What the hell was going on?

This must be a dream. But... How the fuck did he wake up? He went to stand but there were restraints.

(They hadn't been there moments ago)

Recovery Girl stood, approaching him with a smile that hadn't changed. He pulled at the restraints.

"L'mme go! Get– Get away!"

The woman —The thing— opened its mouth, showing him multiple rows of spinning teeth. What the fuck? Please let him wake up. The pill didn't make him have these dreams.

"Stop! Stop!" The thing grabbed his arm and slowly brought it up to its mouth.

"Stop! Please stop!"

He watched as his arm was pushed in and before he had time to close his eyes he saw his arms being torn to shreds, blood spraying in every direction. Katsuki screamed.

(He didn't seem to feel the pain though...)

He opened his eyes expecting the dream to be over but the thing was still there. Smiling at him with bloody teeth. Katsuki struggled, pulling at the restraints.

"Go 'way! Stop!" The thing reached for his other arm and he tried to yank it back. "No! Stop!" He screamed, voice cracking painfully as his arm was slowly pulled into the thing's mouth. He watched, frozen in horror, as his arm was jerked right into its mouth and shredded. His arms were gone.

(Then why did he still seem to have them?)

He sat there in terror for a few seconds before he began thrashing in the restraints.

"Please! Lemme out! No! Stop!"

Katsuki couldn't get out, he tried, pulling at the restraints, trying to yank his wrists out

(Weren't they eaten?)

The thing neared moving towards his throat. Katsuki lurched back, pressing himself as far back on the bed as he could. It neared, mouth opening. Bloody saliva dripped onto his shirt. Katsuki let out a scream that tore through his vocal cords.

This was so fucking scary. Please let him leave. He'll never sleep without the pills again. Please!

A clawed hand pushed his head back to expose his throat. Katsuki couldn't breathe. He didn't want this.

"Stop! Please! Stop, stop, stop" He sobbed.

Something warm brushed against his skin.

"No! Stop!" Katsuki screamed. Please let him leave. He didn't want this

"Hey, it's okay" he heard Recovery Girl say. He struggled further, the thing was just trying to hurt him more.

Katsuki couldn't breathe, he couldn't breathe. Why couldn't he breathe? Had... Had the thing bitten out his throat?

Katsuki curled in on himself, sobbing. He hated this.

(Wasn't he just restricted?)

"Bakugou. Wake up" He heard his teacher say. Katsuki looked up, only to jerk back with a petrified shriek.

Aizawa, or rather, an Aizawa lookalike stood there, next time the thing. It was off, it was too tall, too smiley, too bright. Instead of his teacher's normal dark clothing, it wore bright green.

The worst part? Well, if he had to pick, Katsuki would have to say it was the snakes that replaced his teacher's scarf. That was fucking terrifying.

"Let me out! Stop it!" He didn't want to be in this dream. Someone save him.

The Aizawa lookalike reached out, the snakes traveling down the lookalike's sleeve and onto the table he was on.

(It was definitely a bed before. What had happened?)

"No! Get away!" He sobbed. "Get away!"

He wanted the abyss. The abyss where there were no dreams. No thoughts. He wanted out of this. Please, please, please.


Shiiiit  I didn't think I'd have to do a second chapter to finish this but here we are.

Oh! Before I go: I used to hallucinate/lucid dream when I was in the hospital last year and I still have moments where I'm like 'shit am I actually awake?'

Word Count: 994

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