TTD 3 - Slender Staredown.

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Carl had spawned into the experience, peacefully waiting for their assets to load in, which had loaded in pretty quick

They looked around, seeing that they joined a slender server, they squinted their eyes at the others around them, noticing they were the only non-slender in the TTD 3 server, they took a step forward, then decided to walk around a little, looking at the other copy and pastes dancing with eachother, seeming they were also squinting back at Carl.

"This place is infested with harsh slenders and copy and pastes..eek." Carl said in a disgusted tone, still seeming to squint at the others.

"ay bro watch your mouth m8, we're tryna have fun but if you wanna be a noob leave bro" a slender said as Carl approached to squint.

"Shut up." Carl said firmly.

"NAH YOU SHUT UP, GO SHOW EM GUYS" The slender yelled, facing towards his mass group, who had been dancing and staring at Carl. They turned to the slender, then walking towards Carl.

He stepped back, watching as the other slenders and CnPs approached, he didn't want to go through this problem right now, especially right now, because he just wanted to play TTD 3, Carl had the urge to start talking back, but what could he say? He thought of an idea pretty quick.

"Listen pals, don't try and ruin the game for me, I'm not leaving until I give up." Carl said firmly once again.

"Ye? and what's your idea hm, probably smthin stupid LOL" A copy and paste said back to him.

Carl seemed to get more angry, showing it in their expression, this made the copy and paste think they were doing something, the CnP smirked, still staring at Carl as they had progressively gotten more furious.

"HA WHAT'CHU GONNA DO? CRY?? GO AHEAD M8" The copy and paste said as Carl kept getting more mad.

Carl's expression twitched, he didn't seem like he was going to cry, he thought the copy and paste really thought differently in Carl's expression, He didn't have many ideas on what to do though.

He instead walked away far enough so that they could start testing dances out, but the slenders and copy and pastes came back moments after just to annoy Carl.

"Leave me alone." Carl said.

"NAAAA YOU THE ONE WHO CAME HERE FIRST BRUV" A slender said confidently.

"Yeah..I'm just gonna leave, this experience's kinda annoying with these slenders and CnPs." Carl said, leaving moments after.

They looked back at the games that were there, making a strong "OOH!" sound as they came across this one experience titled "Adopt Me"

"Adopt Me's popular, but kinda tied against Brookhaven.."

"I guess I could try Adopt Me." Carl said.

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