Horrific Housing - Chaotic Events.

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Noob would be in Horrific Housing, waiting for Carl to load in, which hadn't been too long before he did, Noob would jump in excitement and circle around as if it was their favorite experience, and would think it would become Carl's favorite as well, though it isn't really about exploring.

"So, would you like a quick run down on how this experience works?" Noob said, wondering if he didn't know what to do.

"Ahh, I'm good, but thanks." Carl responded.

Noob looked back at the other houses that had already spawned in when the round started, before Noob had joined and waited for Carl to follow them into the experience.

Some of the houses had been annihilated, decreased in size, broken apart into little pieces, and the rest..were just fine.

The round would end pretty quickly, and a random person had won, the person that did had a house that was broken in many, many pieces. Noob looked up as a new round was about to begin, teleporting the others (including Noob and Carl) into the round, meaning it had begun.

Carl and Noob would stand outside their separate houses, not realizing their houses were next to each others for quite a bit.

"Oh, hey." Carl said, turning towards Noob and waving.

"Hey! So, I was thinkin-" Before Noob could finish, a anvil falls onto them, bouncing them off their platform and falling off the map, respawning as a spectator, Carl just stood there in silence, confused.

Carl continued to stand there in silence for a bit longer, until a anvil fell onto Carl, bouncing them off their platform.

"WHAT'S WITH THE ANVILS?!" Carl yelled, very very confused at this point.

"It's a event that happens, I don't like that one with the anvil though.." Noob said, sighing.

Carl then took a moment, before realizing that's what happens every single round, randomized events would be chosen and it could cause problems with other players sometimes, giving them a disadvantage and losing their chance of winning, which was why it was called Horrific Housing, why didn't Carl think of this sooner? He doesn't really know.

Noob and Carl would be waiting for the round to end, which..seems to be taking quite a while for it to do so.

Once the round ended, everybody in the lobby got squashed by an anvil, dying and respawning again, this got many of the people confused and angry, including Carl.

"Whattt?!??! WE'RE NOT IN THE ROUND!" Carl yelled.

The round started again, though people kept getting squashed by anvils again as soon as it started, Carl quickly got bonked by one of the anvils and once again, falling off the platform and respawning in the lobby, this is getting him mad.

"Okay, that's it, I'm doing a investigation on who is ruining the experience, ALL OF YOU COME HERE." Carl stated.

The people went over to Carl, and he counted the people and then the people in the server, everybody was here.

"So, who's ruining the-" Before he could finish, he gets squashed by many anvils.

Carl left the server in disappointment, whoever it was really didn't want the others to have fun, especially Carl, due to him being squashed by many, many anvils by the person who ruined it.

He decided to go into one of the games he found earlier but didn't touch on it yet.

It was called Auto Rap Battles, Carl wasn't expecting this to go that well but decided to go into it anyway and see what would happen.

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