Robot 64 - The Guards of the Treat.

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Carl came across Robot 64, hopping into the experience to be immediately greeted with a pretty simple tutorial. It didn't take that long for him to actually complete it though, so it's fine. Usually, he thinks tutorials take a turn in most experiences and then become the most difficult part of it all, however he probably just thinks that because he's been in too many experiences where it's been like that. 

"This seems like a pretty nice place." He calmly stated, spotting an ice-cream and sprinting over to it, collecting it as he grasped the ice-cream as he came over.

They stopped, slowly glaring towards the colossal observatory up ahead, he walked over, shoving themselves past the door frame to realize there had been a much larger area to explore. There weren't that many ice-creams outside anyway.

He ran over to the door labeled "Knoddy's Resort" entering the room to see a computer with a cyan background, but it looked like there was something deep inside that thing. Carl touched the computer's background, only to realize that his finger would go right through, maybe this wasn't a background? They continued to slowly drag their finger deeper and deeper into the computer illusion. Suddenly, Carl is thrown into the computer by another player, and appears into the area that was stated from the door. Knoddy's Resort.

They appear in Knoddy's Resort, falling onto the ground after exiting the computer. He stood up, rubbing his head, it sure did look like somewhere he'd go for vacation. Well...Most people probably wouldn't go here for a vacation, due to the fact there are guards that are ready to run over to you if they see you in sight, though if they didn't know that then they would probably go.

He spotted the guards, slowly walking over to the building up ahead whilst trying not to be seen by the guards, unfortunately one of them spots Carl, sprinting towards him.

"HEY WAIT-" Carl yelled, backing away.

The guard stopped and remained still, giving a questioning look towards Carl. He'd be sweating, trying to come up with something to say to get this guard away from him, the only reason he knows this is that Noob has told Carl of this experience a couple of times, Noob mentioned that the guards were going to grab you if you weren't careful, Carl took it as important advice.

"Uhm...Wait, look over there!" Carl blurted, pointing towards the guards as they had been staring at a flower in front of them grow.

The third guard that had been by Carl would also walk over to the flower.

"I got nothing to do anyway." The guard muttered.

Carl stared at the guards with a blank expression for a couple of seconds, before slowly backing up into the building he had seen earlier, before tripping over a vase that had been lying by the building, as somebody had somehow placed it there, probably one of the residents wanted some more pottery on the exterior of this place.

"gAH-" Carl screamed, as he thought he had been caught by a guard, before standing up to notice the vase that had now been lying on the floor, visibly showing several cracks on the top of itself. Carl felt more relieved seeing the vase.

He finally entered the building, spotting a room with vases right by the door, they seemed to be blocking Carl from entering it. He would push the vases aside and enter the room to be greeted with a maze, a pretty big and confusing one. They realized all the walls were very tall and he noticed that there had been guards scattered everywhere. Carl slowly walked beside one of the maze walls, before sprinting to find some sort of exit, or an ice-cream. 2 guards had spotted him and started to run over. He ran over to a small room with an ice-cream inside, it had been floating off of the ground as he got closer to the ice-cream. Carl would collect the ice-cream, turning around to realize the 2 guards had been standing right next to him, arms crossed, looking for an explanation from him.

"Uhhh.." Carl began to sweat.

One of the guards would get hold of the ice-cream as they would try to take it away from him, Carl instantly grabbed the ice-cream again and pulled it away from the guard, however they still had hold of the ice-cream, meanwhile the other guard would stare at the other guard and Carl creating a tug of war, but with an ice-cream.

"Let...GO!" Carl yelled, as he would grab the ice-cream again and run off. 

"HEY!" One of them said, chasing after Carl again, which had been the one he had started a tug of war with. The other guard who had been spectating that tug of war continued to stand there, making a thinking expression as they would lean against the wall, attempting to think on what just happened.

Carl exited the maze; he had secured the ice-cream without too much of a problem. "I think that was enough of this experience for today." Carl had been exhausted from being chased.

He left the experience, as he would go back to the discover page again, trying to find something new yet again, when suddenly, he spots a new notification in his message menu, it had been from Bailey, he opened up the message.

Ey, Carl!! I got a suggestion for your little situation on trying to see what's been happening with a lot of the experiences you've been in recently; I know you're also trying to find some new experiences that you could possibly be interested in. But could you please play Brookhaven? You got to admit that's a pretty cool place- I-I only say that for reasons! Specific ones. Just, I've played it before and its fun when you're one of the only people in there who have no idea what to do since you don't roleplay much, and I know you probably don't want to roleplay in that game, but you can give it a try when you're ready.

From your cool friend, Bailey

Carl stared at the message, blinking for a couple of seconds, before typing back.

I'll think about it.

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