Part. 1

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I arrived to camp to see a counselor so I walked over to them

"Hi!" A cheery girl said to me so I decided to wave at her "hello?" "Um my name is Yn Ln I need to know my cabin" I said kind of annoyed.

"Oh yeah let me check" "Yn..Yn..Yn..Ah there you go you are in cabin 5 with someone else I don't think anyone but her will be there" the girl told me as she started to point to cabin 5 so I walked over to the cabin.

I knocked on the door "Go away Cindy!" A girl shouted "um..I'm not Cindy" I replied so she looked up at me "go away whoever you are" she said laying on her bed.

I walked in "why would I go away from OUR cabin?" I asked sarcastically she grunted in annoyance "jeez sorry" I said looking at her then I started to unpack some stuff and puts my luggage under my bed which was next to the redheads bed "um..what is your name" I asked nervously

"Ziggy" the redhead said sitting up staring at me as I sat on my bed "yours?" She asked "oh I'm Yn..Yn Ln" I said glancing at her, I noticed she was looking at every inch of my body "k" she said laying back down. I grabbed my cassette player and headphones and started to listen to Queen.

I started to hum the song 'doing all right' but then Ziggy tapped my shoulder so I took of my headphones "what?" I asked "queen" Ziggy said "I'm sorry what?" I asked a little confused "ughhh...Are you listening to Queen?" Ziggy asked so I nodded my head "it's a nice band" I said "it's good" Ziggy said standing up "where are you going?" I asked her.

"To go annoy Sheila" she said "can I come?" I asked "sure whatever" she said, once we got to Sheila's cabin we were messing it up when I saw ten dollars "hey Ziggy look" I said as I picked it up and showed her "take it if you want" she said so I put it in my bra but then as we started to leave Sheila and her minions saw us "HEY! WHAT ARE YO-" Sheila got cut off by Ziggy grabbing my hand and running.

"Shit shit shit!" I said freaking out "What of Kurt finds out we took the money!" I said still running next to Ziggy "Nothing if Sheila gets to us first!" She shouted as she looked behind her.

Then Will knocked us down.

"Before the witch's final breath, she found a way to cheat her death

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"Before the witch's final breath, she found a way to cheat her death. By cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon the land. She reaches from beyond the graves, to make good men her wicked slaves. She'll take your blood, she'll take your head,she'll follow you until your dead!" They all chanted repeatedly which got annoying "Tie them up!" Sheila yelled to will "Gah! Let us go you..." I said "I'm what hm?" She asked walking around Ziggy checking her pockets "Get away from me!" Ziggy kept shouting at Sheila then Sheila walked over to me "What am I huh?" She asked again.

"A BITCH!" I yelled as I hit her in the face with my elbow making her nose bleed and her minions gasped and Ziggy tried not to laugh "guess we're even now.." I said trying to get the rope lose only to by cutting my wrists up, she checked my pockets realizing where I put her money "you little bitch!" Sheila said then she grabbed her money from my bra.

'outfit above!'

She smiled "you know what they do to witches to kill them? They burn them" "Give me your light will!" Sheila yelled so will have it to her "Sheila stop!" "It was only ten bucks!" Her minions kept saying but she ignored them then bought the hot burning flame up to my arm making me wince in pain "STOP! GAH! STOP SHEILA" I started to yell as I had tears rolling down my face "Shit will your brother!" Someone yelled.

"LET HER DOWN WILL! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL TELL MOM!" Nick yelled at will as he ran over with Kurt "Nick let me explain-" will tried to say "Let them down!" Nick said again as he finally got to us and will let go of the rope making me and Ziggy fall and I hit my head on a rock "Ow! Fuck.." I winced in more pain "Yn!" Ziggy said trying to get out of the rope and she crawled over to me as I almost passed out "For fucks sake will couldn't you have been more gentle letting us down!" Ziggy shouted at will "Ziggy help her get to the infirmary we'll talk later" Kurt said.

"Mhm..sure" Ziggy said helping me up and she started to take me to the nurse's office when Cindy seen me unconscious and Ziggy opened the door "Nurse lane!" "We're in trouble" Ziggy said growing impatient " Come on she could for any moment now!" She said and she wasn't lying she was being a little dramatic but wasn't lying then she took me to the room where there are two beds and set me on one of them.

She walked into Mary's office and saw a book and started to look at it "the witches.." Ziggy was saying but "What are you doing?" Nurse lane said and Ziggy moved her hair out of her face a little "oh goodness what happened.." nurse lane said looking at Ziggy's arm and seeing cuts and a burn on her that I didn't see "oh don't forget Yn" Ziggy said walking to the other room "oh goodness girls.." nurse lane said walking in with ooze stuff she gave me meds and bandaged me and Ziggy up "hey are you okay nurse lane?" I asked staring at her "um..yeah I'm fine girls" nurse lane replied.

1003 words
I enjoyed writing this although the mention of Queen was because I kinda like the band and they were around in the 1900s and still are around today but yeah I'm to la

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