The redhead

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"ok no seriously what do you want Nick" I asked

"When did she have time to do this?"

"Wha...oh Sheila?"

"No Ziggy.. obviously Sheila"

"Um.. I don't know now I'm going to ask you to leave"

"Why exactly should I?"

Cause your fucking annoying why else "cause she said so" I heard Ziggy say as she was standing behind him "umm..okay then" Nick said looking up and down at Ziggy.

"Go!" I shouted then he stopped looking at her And he walked away rolling his eyes

"What Berman" I said which made her chuckle "calling me Berman? Y/L/n" she said "Berman

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"What Berman" I said which made her chuckle "calling me Berman? Y/L/n" she said "Berman...we do this every year and this is our last" I said smiling at her.

"Says who and why" she looked at me and I walked closer to her "cause Berman no more camp and I told you my mom and dad are making me and hope move to Sunnyvale..."

I started to walk closer to her "ah Berman dear sweet sweet Berman my love I'll miss you." You said but then you started to walk away from her then you felt her hand grip yours.

"Ln where do you think your going" she said pulling you making you do a 180 spin to face her "we shall get revenge right?" You said "mhm".

It was dark out like any horror movie you and Ziggy pulled a prank on Sheila then ran back to your guys cabin.

"Ha! FUCKING SHEILA! Deserved that you bitch" you said yelling towards the outhouse then you accidentally tripped and fell.

"Ln you okay?" She said sitting next to you "yeah I'm fine Berman just scratched my leg a bit" I looked at her and said then we smiled at eachother.

"Berman." "Ln." You said to eachother at the same time before laughing.

" You said to eachother at the same time before laughing

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"Gu- umm..." We heard as we were making out so we stopped and looked to see Nick Goode.

That boy ruins everything "um.. guys there is a killer..." He said panting "he..he killed" "Jeremy" he said which made my eyes widened.

He was an innocent kid who I used to help his mom babysit when his mom got busy and made food and took care of everyone.

I started to have tears rolling down my face "hey uh is she okay?" Nick said pointing to me "shit. Ln, it's fine Nick she is fine you can go" Ziggy said as she started to try and help you up

"Ok just head to the mess hall and stay there" Nick said before running off and he tripped on a twig but held himself up.

"Ziggy..he was innocent..he..he" I said as I was crying my vision became blurry "I know..hey but think he is in a better place now where he isn't gonna get made fun of" she said wiping the tears off my cheeks.

She helped me walk to the mess hall since I couldn't see "Ziggy..what if" "what if we don't make it out of camp alive" you asked.

"We will"

508 words
I really didn't think this through I had a photo of Sarah and Hannah kissing since I couldn't find one of Nick and Ziggy kissing just pretend you are Sarah and Ziggy is Hannah in the photo, ok? Ok good. HA NICK GOODE SHES JUST NOT INTO YOUUUUUU

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