Fuck Sunnyvale

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"hi nurse lane!" A brown haired girl said as all of us looked at her "hello Cindy" nurse lane replied "Ziggy.." the brown haired girl said looking at Ziggy then Cindy pulled Ziggy out as I started to walk behind them "You'know how awful that would be!" Cindy said to Ziggy then they started arguing "K well I'm gonna go.." I interrupted "No! Your gonna stay Yn" Ziggy said grabbing my arm.

"Im not getting kicked out!"

"Yeah well that's not what Kurt thinks-"

"Kurt can Fuck off" I said pissed off

"Yn No! No Ziggy!"

"You can't get sent home! Mom can't take care of you while she is at work so I would have to go home and then how would I pay for college"

Of course she went on all about her and how tragic her life would be if she had to stay in shadyside which made me pissed and Ziggy scoffed.

"I'm sorry what's so funny?"

"The fact you think you can make it out of shadyside alive bet you'll get hit by a bus on your way out"

Which was true in a way unless you married someone from Sunnyvale which I would never do I hate the assholes who are stuck up and act fake.

"Why are you being like this!"

"I dunno maybe because you think you can live a happy life outside of shadyside and live until your old!"

"I don't know who you are anymore but your not my sister..."

"Then who am I?"

It started to get awkward so I tried to walk away then Ziggy grabbed my arm


"That's what they all say! But do I care anymore...No!" She said before pulling me into our cabin and slamming the door on her sister

"Wasn't that a little harsh" I said nervously "obviously you don't know my sister" she said letting go of me and walking to her bed and she sat down "um..I don't think I know her" I said walking over and laying on my bed.

"She is a stuck up priss who has a Bullshit view of the world" she said looking over at me "so she acts like a sunnyvaler?" I asked "pretty much." She replied.

"Do people really call you a monster?"

"Yeah..and a witch and many more things."

"You know you aren't, right?"

Shit I sounded like a simp for her think think what to do Fuck my mind is a empty void of words that won't work..ah I know

"Do you see the way Nick stares at you?"

"Yeah..it's gross"

"I'm gonna go out for fresh air" I said starting to stand up "k" she replied then I walked outside "FUCK!" I yelled. Why would I think those things of all things why those... Which I'm guessing she heard me cause she opened the cabin door "umm..you good?" She asked staring at me awkwardly "yeah haha..." I said but then I tripped and almost fell when she caught me

"Your clumsy" she said jokingly No..I'm an idiot "thanks.." I said nervously then I walked back in the cabin and splatt on my bed "GAh!" I shouted into my bed

"You don't sound okay" she said "shut up." I said getting up and sitting on my bed "a witch?" I asked "what? Oh yeah or possessed" Ziggy replied "I'm gonna go for a walk I guess" Ziggy said before walking out of the cabin.

I walked out of the cabin to then I saw nurse lane strapped to a bed which made my jaw drop and I ran over to the area where there was a policemen "hi! Sir" I said frantically.

"Yes kid?" The police asked "um..what happened to Nu-Mary" I asked him "psychotic breakdown I'm guessing, she attacked a counselor or someone" he replied before walking away then I looked around and saw Sheila and her goons giggling and running out of our cabins.

Then I seen Ziggy leaning against a tree so I was headed over to her but the Sheila stopped me "hey witch bitch" she said standing there "what?" I said getting really annoyed "might wanna check your things I think there might be a needed clean up in cabin 5.." she said.

I started to run back to the cabin "Run witch Run!" Sheila yelled then I seen Nick look at me but I kept running over to the cabin an I opened the door. "FUCK! SHEILA!" I yelled "couldn't have said it any better" a voice said from the door which startled me then I turned around to see Nick fucking Goode what did he want God!

"What?" I asked sitting on my bed "nothing..nothing just checking in on you" he said "psh! Please your just stocking me" I said looking at him "sure whatever" he said which made me chuckle a bit.

821 words
I felt like I was to lazy to do much cause I'm so tired 😃🔫 anyways good morning or goodnight or good afternoon ❤️ wherever you are make sure you drink water also who should you/Yn end up with.. Nick or Ziggy or neither? I need help 🤣 🔫

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