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Keep it Cool

In the weeks leading up to the last days of November, Adora's family prepared for their annual Autumn feats to mark the end of the season. Mara frequented the farmer's market in search of ingredients for her famous Pot Roast, while Adora and her friend Catra goofed off by swimming in the pond, tumbling through the grass fields, and stomping on leaves as if they were young children.

And then an extraordinary phenomenon occurred, one that Catra and Adora could barely wrap their heads around when they had caught word of it happening.


Catra and Adora raced to the window, and in their disbelief proceeded to run outside to see it for themselves.

"Wow, can you believe that it's snowing already? It's not even Winter yet!" Catra grinned from ear to ear.

Adora rolled her eyes, "It's called climate change dumbass."

"It's called a premature-Christmas-miracle." Catra retorted.

Mara chucked as she hauled a bag of groceries into the house, "You won't be enjoying the snow much once you start paving it out of the driveway."

Adora smirked at Catra, who was no longer a fan of her so-called Christmas miracle.

Mara had called everyone to dinner later that evening, the table set with her finest delicacies; mashed potatoes with gravy, bread rolls, steamed corn-on-the-cob, a variation of pies made by Madame Razz, and her main course – the Pot Roast.

"Make sure you eat plenty of pie!" Madame Razz reminded the girls as they stared in awe at the meal, their mouths practically watering.

"Fhank you.. So much.. Ma-ah." Catra said with a mouthful of food in her mouth.

"You're fery welcome." Mara teased back.

Needless to say, with their bellies full of food, falling asleep that night was about as easy as breathing for the girls that night.


As hard as parting with Adora's family was difficult for the two of them, they weren't left with much of a choice once their break came to an end. They packed their bags and waved goodbye to Mara and Madame Razz before leaving for the Etheria City Metro.

When they arrived back at the school Glimmer was in full on panic mode. With only a week left to plan the party she had been pushing off, she was in desperate need of help from Adora.

"The formal is this weekend." She bit her fingernails anxiously, "And I have no idea what to do yet! I still have to buy decorations, hire catering, get a D.J..."

She buried her face into Adora's arms, who patted her head in order to soothe her friend.

"There there, we can go to Party-City tonight and get some really cool Winter decorations, and then we can ask Mermista to D.J and Perfuma to cater."

Glimmer wiped a tear off of her cheek, "That... That actually works. Thank you so much Adora!"

She gave her a tight hug before rushing off to complete her errands. Adora understood the pressure Glimmer was in, almost everyone in school had been talking about the dance; wondering who they would ask –

Who would she ask?

Well, Adora had to ask someone. She was one of the most popular girls at school, people would notice if she went to the dance without a date. There was always Catra...

No, she couldn't ask Catra. She lacked the confidence to do so.

Adora tested out her other options. Entrapta seemed like a suitable partner, sure she was a bit reckless, but she was sweet and Adora knew she could have a good time with her.

Then it was decided, Adora would ask Entrapta to the dance. See, how hard was that?

However, before Adora could get the chance to find her, she remembered that she had a meeting with her volleyball coach, Light Hope. Light Hope saw a lot of potential in Adora, she had watched her take Etheria University's volleyball team from the worst in the state to now competing in the State Semifinals against Etheria's rival school – Horde University. But, despite Adora's success, Light Hope was well aware of her recent injury and had called Adora in to encourage her to take it easy before the last few championship games.

"I know you're probably really excited about the upcoming school dance, but maybe it would benefit you not to attend." Light Hope explained, "You don't want to risk anything happening, Adora. Or have you forgotten about how you received your last injury?"

"But Coach–"

Light Hope interrupted her before she protested against her words, "Adora, you have to think about your future. I can only do so much to prevent you from losing your scholarship if your knee gets worse."

Adora tugged at the collars of her sleeves, avoiding eye contact with her coach. She was right, it would be irresponsible for her to go to the party – especially since she knew she would be surrounded by alcohol.

Still, Glimmer was depending on her. She couldn't betray her best friend like that.

"I won't go." Adora lied.

Light Hope smiled, "I knew you'd be smart enough to make the right choice."

Adora couldn't ignore the pang of guilt that she felt after leaving the gym. She figured she might as well ask Entrapta then before she turned around and changed her mind about the formal, following Light Hope's orders instead.

She searched the school for the purple-haired girl, eventually finding her outside of the Engineering lecture hall.

"Adora!" She shouted, waving at the blonde.

"Hey Entrapta, are you going to the Winter Formal?"

"I'm not sure yet, why?"

"Well," Adora swung her foot back and forth, her hands shoved into her pockets, "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Entrapta squealed, "Really?! I never thought anyone would ever ask me to a dance – people don't usually try to be friends with me."

"Of course, it'll be a blast!"

Adora had to admit, Entrapta's grateful reaction did help ease the feeling of self-reproach that she had been carrying with her. Unfortunately, those feelings would come flying right back to her once the word got out about Entrapta being her date to the formal. When the news had reached Catra, she was beyond furious. She felt the blood coursing through her veins as she tried to understand why Adora asked Entrapta of all people to the formal. Maybe Catra had secretly wanted Adora to ask her instead – part of her curious as to why she didn't. They had shared her bed for an entire week but a Frat Party was where she drew the line?

Was Adora embarrassed to be seen around Catra?

The thought lingered in her head for longer than she had wanted it to. She refused to believe that Adora could feel that way about her, not after everything they'd been through together. But it made sense; Adora was cool and admired by her peers, whereas Catra was seen in the complete opposite light. Taking her to the dance would have surely caused a scandal. She felt as if she were in high school all over again.

Maybe she was overthinking. Catra began to feel silly for expecting Adora to ask her anyway. After all, it was a slightly romantic gesture and the two of them were just friends.

So why had she felt so envious at the idea of Entrapta going with Adora?

Her questions would remain unsolved, but Catra figured the solution would be to see the pair for herself.

One Frat-Party wouldn't hurt to go to.

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