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"The world is watching."

It's what Peeta had kept repeating to Lara since they'd been escorted to the parade stadium.

They were at the front of the long path, waiting for Katniss to make her way up. She was followed by a huge crowd of rebels and refugees alike. The stadium seats were also filled with spectators.

The large amount of people worried them. It only took one person to cause a riot. And in this environment, if anyone made one wrong move than chaos would break out.

He leaned closer and whispered again, "The world is watching."

He pointed to Cressida and Pollux, who held cameras that broadcasted the execution. Pollux was focused on the victors. It was Plutarch's idea to catch their reactions as well, knowing the people would want to watch their idols finally get the closure they deserved.

"Let them," Lara snapped, "Snow spent years broadcasting innocent people's death for entertainment. It's his turn now."

She glared at Snow, who was tied up to a post awaiting his execution. He wasn't scared. In fact, he kept his expression smug. He even dared to smile at the woman. It made her want to strangle him before Katniss could even get close.

Peeta didn't like the idea of a vengeful Lara. She wanted to be the one to kill Snow. He knew how dangerous she could be. But he understood that her pain was validated; he wanted Snow dead just as badly.

They waited with the other victors in a line as Katniss came through the middle of them. She stepped out in front of everyone, facing Snow.

Before she could take action, their attention was turned to Coin, who was standing above them on a podium where Snow used to sit during the tribute parades.

"Welcome to the new Panem!" she greeted. Her voice echoed over the speakers, "Today, on the Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem...a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness a historic moment of justice."

She extended her arms out to gesture to the crowd below. She focused on Katniss and Snow, who stared at each other with unreadable expressions.

"Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars. May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era."

Lara glanced over to see Pollux and Cressida filming the whole speech. Of course Coin would want the attention on her. After all, she was the supposed leader into an era of peace. As if she knew what peace was. At her core, she was no better than Snow.

Cressida and Pollux now focused on the quarrel between angered foes. The stand off between Snow and Katniss was filled with tension.

"Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

As Coin finished her speech, she let out a breath of satisfaction. She felt like she was on top of the world, holding all the power.

Katniss drew her arrow and readied her bow. Her aim was directed at Snow, but she hesitated. The two of them exchanged looks. Some understanding came between them, resulting in Katniss making a risky decision.

Anticipation rose as they waited for the shot but it never came.

Instead, Katniss aimed higher and released. The arrow traveled swiftly until it landed in Coin's heart. Gasps echoed as she fell dead in seconds, falling from her podium. She laid on her back with the arrow protruding upwards.

It caused a riot within the rebels seeking revenge. If Katniss wouldn't kill Snow, then they would. The crowd surged forward, pushing past Katniss and the victors.

Peeta saw Katniss reaching for a nightlock pill hidden in her uniform. But he ran forward wnd snatched it away before she could use it. She was surprised and tried to take it back but the guards pulled her away. They carried her back through the end of the crowd as Snow screamed out for help.

The mob was crashing into anyone to get closer. Lara grabbed Annie quickly and tried to lead her out the side. She pushed them both through the bodies until they reached the edge of the Avenue.

From there, they could catch glimpses of Snow being torn apart as they hid in the shadows. His screams echoed around them as he was denied a merciful death.

Annie looked away, turning around and covering her ears. But Lara did the opposite. Her eyes refused to tear away from the scene. She felt the sickeningly sweet feeling of justice and relief. Snow's death was nothing but joyful for her.

She stood there numbly with her eyes glazed over in amazement. When Peeta came searching for them, he found Annie whimpering far away while Lara stood still.

He reached out and shook her arms, trying to tear her focus away. But she refused. She wouldn't relax until she saw Snow's dead body for herself.

"We did it," she whispered.

Peeta was confused. He glanced back and forth between her and the raging mob.

"We won," she breathed, "We won."

It was almost as if she was reassuring herself. By repeating it, it made it true. It was just like their time in torture. By convincing themselves it's the truth, then it will be.

That's when he understood. All this time, she'd been talking about being labeled as victors. But she never felt they had won. After everything they'd gone through, they never had. It was only in this moment that they'd truly won.

Snow was dead. Coin was dead. No more wars. No more Hunger Games. It was over.

She chuckled. Snow's screaming had stopped. The silence was almost as fulfilling as his screams. Nothing but pure bliss coursed through her veins; justice was finally delivered.

Her chuckles grew into a full blown laugh. Her body shook from how hard she was laughing. The sound wasn't innocent. It was bitter and wicked, yet well understood. Peeta felt it inside himself too.

"We won."


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