Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven
Estella POV
Breathing. I have to keep breathing. The last thing I remember was eating a cookie and feeling my throat swell up. My mouth went dry and it felt like I was swallowing sandpaper.

From then on, life seemed to move in slow motion. My vision has blurred and I feel lightheaded. I feel the blood rushing from my face. My lips are chapped and dry.

I see the silhouettes of two figures approaching me. Niall and Harry I think. "Niall," I croak before stumbling into his arms.

Darkness. My ears are ringing. I feel as if I'm in a dream state, floating like a feather, carefree. Then, my senses start coming back. I can hear the rumble of the waves in the distance. I feel confined. Stuck, but my body is swaying. I'm being carried.

I hear voices, but can't talk back. I feel the warmth of the sun but can't open my eyes.

"Oh my god! Estella!" Vera. I hear her footsteps in the sand as she runs towards me. I feel her press her hand to my face. "It's gonna be okay, Es, help it's coming. Just keep breathing. I don't want to lose you."

The scream of sirens is heard seconds later. My head is thumping. My throat is still burning, but I have to keep breathing. I can't give up. There are too many people I care for to give up now. Keep breathing.

It hurts to breath. But I keep taking breaths. By now, I've been put on a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance. I'm poked and prodded at. A mask is put on my face. Exhaustion takes over me and I fade off to sleep.


When I awake, I'm in a hospital bed. The only noises heard are the machines and their beeping, and the soft humming of the luminescent white lights. I slowly open my eyes, giving them time to adjust. Vera is sitting at a small table next to my bed reading a book.

"Hey." I say. My voice comes out raspy and I have to clear my throat a few time.

"Hey, Es." Vera has a look of relief on her face as she smiles and sets down her book. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but I can breath now." I reply with a small laugh. "Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"Everyone but Niall left a few hours ago. It's almost 3 in the morning. You were out for a long time."

"Can you bring Niall in? He's probably worried sick."

Vera smirked. "What?" I asked.

"He came in here while you were sleeping and sang to you. I got some of it on video. It was the sweetest thing. Then he started apologizing to you and completely breaking down. We had to take him out of the room. He really has the biggest heart ever and really cares for you." Vera says with the widest grin on her face. My cheeks heat up and I smile, thinking about Niall. "I'll go get him." Vera says.

She walks out of the small room and comes back minutes later with a tired-looking Niall trailing behind her. When he looks at me, his eyes brighten and he smiles. I scoot over on the bed and allow him to sit down by me. Vera walks out of the room again and lets us talk in privacy.

When I look up at Niall, he's no longer smiling. He looks concerned. "You really scared me back at the beach, Estella. I didn't know what was happening or what to do or-" his words trail off.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over this. You didn't know that I was allergic to peanuts. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I never told you about my allergy and I was too careless to ask about what was in the cookies. It had been such a long time since I last had an allergic reaction and I wasn't thinking straight. But I do have to thank you for helping me. It means a lot to me, more than you may think. Vera is the only family I have left. And I've grown to like you boys quite a lot. If I had died yesterday I can't imagine what would have happened to Vera or you guys."

"I really care about you. And I suppose it's one of my weaknesses." Niall says sheepishly.

"Well, you know every superhero has a weakness." I say locking eyes with Niall.

I reach up and place a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for being my hero, Ni."

The rest of my time with Niall is spent talking about our favorite memories. I don't tell him, but this moment right now is the moment I want to live in for the rest of my life. He makes me feel complete. Now that he's taken over my life, I can't imagine life without him.


Hey peeps!


(Wear green or else I'll pinch you.)

Not really. So anyway, I had a crazy weekend and wasn't able to write but I got it done! Yay me! It probably sucks but I'm trying to make this all work. Balancing school work with your social life is such a struggle. I'm so tired and ugh Monday's suck. Ew. Enough talking. I hope y'all enjoyed this. Bye!

- Brooklyn xx

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