Chapter 20: Well, Well, Well

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“‘Just a Little Bit of Your Heart’.” I nodded to myself in confirmation as we each scattered to our respective stations. I showed Liam to the recording booth, instructing him on where to stand, not that it matters, and giving him a brief explanation on what to do. You'd think that Richard or someone could have filled him in at least a little while I was running late, but apparently not.

After a solid hour and a half of singing, recording and tinkering, we had successfully concluded our studio session - studio sesh - as Liam called it, much to my amusement. I think it went well. We finished the song and everyone worked happily with one another.

“Nice job all, I expect to see everyone back tomorrow. Same time, don’t be late.” Richard announced as we were packing up some of the equipment. He gave me a pointed look through his pristine spectacles while I untangled the cords strewn about on the floor. I was three and half minutes late apparently, so I got to be the lucky one to deal with that mind numbing mess.

“Me? Late?” I scoffed, “wouldn’t dream of it.” 

He grumbled before tossing me the keys to lock the door and trudging out of the building behind the rest of the crew, except Liam. He stayed back to help me pack up. Like the kind-hearted person he is.

“You can go ahead,” I was constantly reassuring him, “I’m fine doing this by myself.” I don't want him wasting his own time on my chores. And, let's face it, this is no fun.

I twirled the cords and looped them around each other, unplugging them from various microphones and amps to tuck them somewhat neatly in the crates. Liam seemed to be getting through his pile a lot faster than me, as he’d started stealing cords and cases from my side of the room.

“It’s starting to sound like you don’t want me here, mate.” He joked, tossing another cord into a crate. At least I’m doing it neater than him. I'm actually folding and placing, not scrunching and throwing.

“Nah, I’m sure you’ve got school to go to, though," I reasoned, knowing perfectly well that he and I both are going to be late if we don't get a move on. And if that's not suspicious, I don't know what is. Bruises and tattoos, apparently.

He shrugged, “not for another-” he checks his watch, eyes widening slightly- “oh.”

I felt a rush of panic at his abrupt pause, it can’t be that late can it? I stopped my hand movements of untangling, to step closer and glance over his shoulder at the ticking chunk of metal. And I don't mean bomb.

“Another half hour, it’s fine," Liam finally answered after a long moment of suspense, and me trying to peek a glance at his watch without bumping into him or falling over. "I’ve got everything I need for it anyway, so it’s not like I’ll have to make a pit-stop home.” He clarified, as I continued to stare at him sceptically.

You might be organised, I’m certainly not.

"Hey.." Liam slowly began, unsure and gaining my attention at the cautious tone. He proceeds to throw the last of the cords into the crate as he speaks. "I've been meaning to ask you something..."

Giving him a glance, I raised an eyebrow, spurring him on with a: "Yeah?"

He toyed with his bottom lip between his thumb and index finger, jumping up onto a wooden desk. "I know that I'm not supposed to know this, but I sort of overheard Craig chatting with Richard..."

Liam paused, prompting me to encourage him on, waving my hands about in a mild panic. "Go on, you're making me worry."

Nervously chuckling, Liam continued: "well, I know that Zayn Malik normally does what I did today, and I'm just hoping I'm not replacing him."

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