chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Several months had passed since that night and I was getting better. Next month Sam and I would be going to college, at the same place. I was walking around the base, bored all the Auto bots had gone to China to deal with some Decepticons. They were supposed to be back today. All the Auto bots were discussing whether one of them should go with me. When this meeting was going on, I accidently walked in. When I realized that I had I apologized starting to leave the room. “Allison, stay this concerns you,” Optimus said. I headed back into the room and saw all the humans that were in the room. I came to stand beside Optimus.

“We were discussing if one of us should go with you to college,” Ironhide said.

I knew instantly who should go, “Let Bee come with me. Freshmen aren’t allowed to have cars, but I’m going in as a sophomore. I can, and it would make Bee happy to be able to stay with Sam,” I said. Everyone seemed to be okay with that. After the meeting Ironhide gave me something, it was a bracelet with a jewel. “What’s this?” I asked curious though I had a feeling that I knew. I had seen this bracelet before, in a dream.

“Put it on and press the jewel,” Ironhide said. I slipped in on to my right wrist and pressed the jewel. My right arm became a canon. I stared in awe, it was beautifully crafted, and by hands much smaller the Ironhide’s. My pendant was made the same way, it cloaked the Allspark’s energy and Sam wore one too. It was also a device to call the Auto bots to us or connect us to the Commlink.

“Thank you,” I breathed looking up at Ironhide, “It’s beautiful.” I  pressed the jewel again and I reached up to hug his face plates. I think it shocked him but he returned the hug. Soon I heard on the intercom system that there were more Auto bots coming in. I was excited, “Who’s coming?” I asked.

“I don’t know, let’s go see,” Ironhide said.

“Can I come?” I asked coming up to Optimus.

“Of course,” Optimus said picking me up and placing me on his shoulder. He transformed and I ended up in the driver’s seat. We drove out to an open field and when Optimus pulled to a stop I climbed out of the cab. Optimus transformed next to me.

“There they are!” I said pointing to a bright light in the sky. Suddenly the ship started to move erratically. "Move!" I yelled quickly climbing up onto Optimus’s shoulder as the ship crash landed. We all moved out of the way just in time. After a few moments I climbed down off of Optimus and took a few steps closer to the ship. I waited a minute for the dust to clear. I walked forward the rest of the way and knocked on the door, “Hello,” I called. A few moments passed and I called out again, “Hello!”

Optimus stepped forward, “Auto bots, come out,” he said. The door cracked open, I saw blue optics peeking out of the darkness.

“No one here is going to hurt you. You’re safe,” I said. Several auto bots stepped out, several looked to be male, three were smaller, more delicate, probably female.

“Who are you human?” one of the males asked.

“I’m a friend of the Auto bots, and I carry half of your Allspark, another human carries the other half,” I replied standing next to Optimus. One by one the Auto bots came out and introduced themselves, Elita-1, Arcee, Chromia, Jolt, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Dino/Mirage, Roadbuster, Leadfoot, Que/Wheeljack, Topspin, Prowl, Mudflap, and Skids. There was a set of triplets, two sets of twins, and the rest were related somehow, I believe. Later that day I was leaving the base that was on Diego Garcia. I had to get home to pack for college and to let Bee know that he was coming with Sam and I. Before I left though, a new man in a suit showed up. The Auto bots had just got back from China and this man started bullying his way around.

I came up to Optimus, “What the hell is going on?” I asked.

“I have no-” Optimus started but was cut off by someone.

“Hey! What is that child doing here on the base?” this man asked grabbing for me and Optimus picked me up and placed me on his shoulder. “Put her down! Before she gets hurt!”

“You’re more likely to hurt me than he is,” I snarled. This man then turned back to the webcam and started telling things about the Allspark, where Megatron was, and where the Cube fragment was. “Soundwave is listening, we need to shut him up,” I whispered to Optimus. Optimus and Lennox both tried to get him to stop to no avail. “This man will be the death of us all!” I snarled under my breath as Ironhide came to escort me to the airport. I climbed down off of Optimus as he was still talking to whoever Lennox contacted.

“Do me a favor and don’t let that new guy, in the suit do anything more stupid than he’s just done,” I said to Ironhide.

“What did he do?” Ironhide asked.

“Told Soundwave where to find Megatron and the Cube fragment.” A few hours later I was on a plane, going home.

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