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Chapter 15

It wasn’t long till all of us climbed into Bee for no one wanted to ride with the reckless twins. We were a lot closer to New York City than I had originally thought. We arrived within the City within a few hours, thanks to Bee speeding. We all got out of the car and Leo told us to wait then he would give us a go or a no go. “Who is this guy?” Sam asked.

“You’ve met him before Sam, so have you Mikaela. I just hope he’s willingly to help because otherwise we are screwed,” I said as Sam was putting on a baseball cap and the hood of his jacket. I wasn’t trying to hide; I had a knack for avoiding being seen if that’s what I wished. Though with cameras that didn’t always work. “Let’s go,” I said heading in after waiting a minute like Leo requested.

As soon as Sam opened the door Leo pointed at none other than former Agent Simmons and said, “That’s him, that’s him right there.”

“Okay, Leo we got it. It’s him,” I said. I never had that much contact with Simmons and at the time, that’s how I wanted it.

Sam looked completely surprised. “You got to be kidding me,” Sam said removing his hood. Simmons was just as shocked as Sam and Sam glared daggers at me for a moment. “A little warning would have been nice Allison!”

“Hey, I told you met him before. I gave you warning,” I said.

“All right, meat store’s closed. Everybody out! Out!” Simmons said ringing the little bell on the counter, shooing everyone who begrudging left.

“Wait! You know this guy?” Leo asked Sam completely confused and pointing at Simmons.

“Yeah we’re old friends,” Sam said.

“Old friends? You're the casethat shut down Sector Seven,got the kibosh, disbanded.No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of Miss Edwards, you, and your little criminal girlfriend.Look at her now, so mature,” Simmons finished eyeing Mikaela in a way that made me uncomfortable.

Suddenly a woman interrupted by yelling at either Simmons or another employee, “Moron! Where's the whitefish?”

A big black guy with funky teeth started yelling as well, “Hey! Don't touch me with the pig.” If he didn’t want to be touched by meat why did he work in a butcher’s shop? Simmons’ attention was momentarily diverted.

“Yakov!” Simmons said getting the man’s attention.

“What?” the man who was complaining about being touched with the pig barked, slamming a meat cleaver into, something.

“You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around! You want those new teeth you saw on SkyMall?”

 “It's my dream.” He slammed the meat cleaver into whatever he was working on again.

 “Help her out,” Simmons ordered and the man put the meat clever down.

“You live with your mama?” Mikaela asked.

“Please don’t start you two,” I said looking at Sam and Mikaela. We did not have time for this.

“No, my mama lives with me. It's a big difference. They got your face all over the news,

alien boy and girl,” Simmons sneered at me.

               “Please don’t Simmons, we need your help, to save the planet,” I said trying to keep from crying again. I wasn’t upset that Simmons was being rude, I just missed Optimus and this mission seemed impossible without him.

               “I know,” Sam replied.

               “Really? You need my help? And what’s with NBE-1 still kicking?”

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