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Andrius POV

"Denise, I need you to push back a couple meetings. I have to go take care of somethings. Thank you." I say grabbing my wallet, phone, and my keys. "Goodbye, Mr. Wilks."

I get to the garage and I get inside my car. I ran my hand through my hair and made sure it was perfect. I needed to look nice for her. Ugh! No! I'm totally falling for her and I can't even get her. She's not over Jagger. I start the engine and head over to the cafe. When I got there, I parked my car right outside the window and headed inside. Looking around, I didn't find Scarlett anywhere. I decided to get us a table until she arrives and I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"Hello? Yes, this is he. Ok thank you so much. I'm so glad. Tomorrow at 12? Ok." Hanging up the phone I looked up and I saw her. She had on a black pencil skirt with a white blouse and black heels. "Scarlett!"

She turns her face towards me and walks over to me. "Hi! Thank you so much for coming. I just felt so alone and didn't know what to do, but I saw your card in my purse and decided to give you a call. I apologize for interrupting you and for being late." She kept on stuttering. It was adorable.

"Please don't apologize. I am glad you called. I needed some time off!" I grinned at her. "So how was your day?" Trying to keep a conversation going.

"Terrible." Why was it so bad. "May I ask why?" I actually wanted to know. "I hate my job. It doesn't pay well and there are essentials and needs that I can't afford so i decided to look for a new job that I love. I looked everywhere and there was nothing. I have to go on a trip in 3 weeks and I can't afford the ticket and I can't find someone to take care of my dog. I'm going crazy. I can't sleep at night and I-I just feel so lonely." Tears gathered in her eyes and started to drip down.

I got out of my chair and walked towards her side. "It's ok. I know its tough right now but it will be ok. I am here for you. You are not alone, Scarlett." I felt her tears dripping on my Armani suit.

She looks up at me, "thank you." I got and sit in my seat. "Can I ask you a question?" I say not looking at her.

"Yes." Wiping her tears away. "Are you ok? I mean about you know, Jagger?" I felt so awkward asking her. " I don't know. I was in love with him but I think I can get over him over some time." She says confidently.

"Good. You deserve to be happy. I hate the fact he did that to you. So, back to looking for jobs, what do you like doing?" I ask curious to find out. "I love interior design. Its my passion. My mom used to always design homes and after school, she would take me and i was just so fascinated. I went to art school and graduated in the state of California. After I graduated, I moved to New York to get a good paying job but then I ended up working for a cafe." She looks so disappointed. Then it hits me!

"Come work for me!" I shout. People stare back at us. "Come work for me. I run hotels all over the country and some out. I would love for you to design the interior. However, I do have to see some of your designs."

"Are you serious? Oh my god! That is amazing. Thank you! thank you! thank you!" I see her eyes light up. Oh her eyes. They are so beautiful. "Can I ask a question now?" She wonders. I want to know what she is wondering. "Yes?"

"How much would I get payed? I know that I haven't even been hired or if I'm going to be hired but I just want to prepare myself. You know, if I have to work two jobs?" She looks all worried now. How much would I pay her? What are her expenses? "How much are your expenses monthly?" I calculate in my head. "Well, I have rent, car payment, a dog, my clothing, food, and I have to go on a really big trip in 3 weeks that i must attend for my brother. This month, probably around $7,000?" Thats not bad at all. Wow! $7,000 in Manhattan? Amazing!

"Well, do you have any designs at your house? I would like to see them. I haven't spoken to my father about where we are expanding but I can pay you in advance if you believe you need it." This might just be a great idea!

"Yes. I do. Do-do you want to see them now?" She flutters back. "If its ok with you, I would love to." "Ok. Lets go. Just follow me if that is ok. "

"Or we can go with my car?" It was a for sure questionable answer. "Uhm.. Sure. Ok!"

We leave the cafe and I open the car door for her. "Thank you!" She directs me to the way of her apartment and we finally make a stop. I open her door for her and we walk into the building. It was a beautiful place. It had a beautiful chandelier with cream marble walls, brown wooden floors, and a marble receptionist desk. We head towards the elevator and I see her push floor 6. We didn't talk the way up. We got out of the elevator and I saw her stop in front of apartment 613. She opens the door and the cutest thing just pops up and scratched my legs. It was her dog.

"Cookie! Cookie stop! You are going to hurt him." She pulls Cookie back. "Please, come in!" I walk inside and it was extravagant. She was so neat, organized. It was perfect. The coloring was amazing, the furniture was outstanding, and the paintings, they were absolutely stunning. "Wow!" I say with a surprised look on my face.

"I have my sketch book in my room. You can sit at the bar and pour a drink or even on the couch. Make yourself feel at home." She says with a smile and heads towards a door. I walk around to get a closer look at everything. It was all just so amazing. It felt like a home. A warm, comforting home. "So here they are. Im gonna go get a drink. Would you like anything?" I think for a minute. "Do you have scotch?"

"Yes." She hands me her notebook and starts to walk off. I open it and look at all the different designs. I was very well impressed. If I hire her, there will only be one problem and that is my liking towards her. I truly fancy her. I have never fancied anyone in my life before. I was going crazy.

She starts to walk back towards me with my scotch and what seems to be white wine. " Here you go." She hands me my scotch. I look at her and she looks at me. For a second, I forgot everything happening around us. "You are hired!" I say with a smile on my face! "Oh my god! Thank you so much! You have no idea how happy i am right now." She says with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.

"However, there are a few rules." I tried to make up rules inside of my head. Anything that will help me forget that I am falling for her. "Yes?"

" 1. You work for me and only for me. 2. If I have to go on a trip that relates to the hotels, you will have to come with me. All expenses payed for, obviously. 3. I may be a total bitch at times, but you do have to deal with that. 4. If I have given you an early payment and you decide to quit, you will have to work until your payment is payed off. Lastly, 5. There will be no relationship between us. I am your boss and you are my employer. " That was the hardest thing to say. It was more for my benefit rather than hers.

"Ok. I can do all of that. However, is it ok I go on a trip in 3 weeks? Its very important to me." She seems to be hoping I say yes so I do. "Yes."

"Oh my god! Thank you so much! You are my savior!" She jumps up and down. I was happy to be working with her. I get up from her couch and hand her her notebook. "I must get going. I have a meeting. See you tomorrow at 8. Be there on time or you will be fired. I am extremely picky on time and i still have to convince my father." I say as sufficient as possible.

"Ok boss! See you tomorrow. " i open the door and walk out only to turn around "Scarlett, if you would like, come by my office tonight and i can show you your office and give you your payment."

"Ok. Ya sure. Thanks." Closing the door, "and Scarlett, would you like to grab dinner after that?" Crap! No! That was just a thought! Please say no. If she says yes, I will really fall for her.

"Andrius, I dont think its a good idea. Im still in love with another man and you are my boss now. Wouldn't it be weird?" She whispered. " Yes. I think you are right but I'll still see you tonight?"

"Yes, sir." I chuckled when she said it. I walked off into my car. I was excited to be working with her.


Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like it. I am writing from my phone so there will be a few grammar errors. I hope you continue to read this and I will try to update as much as possible. Let me know what you guys think!

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