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Andrius POV:

"Sir, your father wanted me to inform you that you must attend the meeting this afternoon. He is counting on you." Jake said emphasizing counting. Jake is my dad's P.A. Im not sure on why he needs one but he demanded to have one. "Ok thank you." I didn't have time to look at him. I had to focus on expanding our company, but how? We own hotels all over the country and some out of the country. We manage well, I manage most of the hotel in each 43 states. I travel a lot for work so there is no fun for me, nor any relationships. I'm a busy man. Not only am I busy at the moment, but tired as well. If only I hadn't met that girl, Scarlett. She's been popping up in my mind all day today. After that meaningless kiss, I just couldn't get her off my mind.

I heard the door creecking open so I looked up, and saw a tall blonde women standing in black platforms and a dark blue dress.

"May I help you with something?" I gave off a confused look.

"Actually, yes. Im looking for James Vanders?" He's my best friend. The one I was supposed to go out with last night before I met Scarlett.

"Hey babe. You look lovely today. I see you have met my boss, best-friend, and the world's fourth richest man, Andrius Wilks. Andrius, this is Lacey. Anyways, Im almost done and we can go get lunch on my break. Give me 5 minutes?" James kisses Lacey on the cheeks.

"Nice meeting you Mr. Wilks." She seems, well, decent. "Likewise." I wonder what Scarlett would think of James. I think they would get along. Well, how would I know? I've met her once at her worst stage. I hope. Then the thought of Jagger came to my head. How could a man do such thing to a beautiful girl. Why the hell did I care? Ugh! Why can't I stop thinking about her? Finally! I have a meeting to attend to and food to eat.

"Hello, Gordin. Please pick me up no later than 15 minutes. Thank you." My driver is always on time. I walked down and got into the car. "Hello, sir. Where to today?" He asks looking through his mirror at me.

"We have to go to General's Corporation; however, I need a bit of food. Please go to la per cafe."

I get out of the car and walk in. I give one glance around and I notice someone. She had caught my eye. Scarlett. What do I do? I need to act fast. Before I know it, I'm walking towards her.

"Hello si- Andrius? Hello. What can I get you?" She doesn't look too happy. "A caramel frappuccino." I look up to her and she was laughing.

"May I ask what is so funny?" Looking at me sarcastically, "You. I never imagined someone like you getting a caramel frappuccino. I thought maybe you would go more for like black coffee. A man wants what he wants, though." She punches in my order. "Yes. I get what I want when I want it. I am running late. I need my coffee to come out fast. Hurry! I have a meeting to get to." I turn around and walk away before she could say anything. I saw two, maybe 19 year old girls walk up towards me.

"Hello, sir. Would you like to sit with us or have us sit with you. You seem alone." Sluts. "Im fine. You may leave now." I said.

Scarlett walks towards me. "Here you go sir. I see you are getting to know those girls. Whore 1 and whore 2, maybe?" She gives them a glance. " Very funny. I must get going." I get up and see her about to walk off before I grab her by the elbow. "Scarlett, here is my card. If you ever need anything, you can reach my office anytime." What the hell did I just do?

It took about a minute until I realized I was totally falling for her. No! That's all I could think about. I didn't want to be falling for her. I don't have time for relationships. Not now and maybe not ever. I get into the car, and I tell Gordin we will be late if he doesn't start driving right now! The entire ride, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She looked beautiful in her cafe work clothes. We arrived at the building and all I can hope is that I can stop thinking about her.

"Hello sir. May I help you with anything?" She was very pretty. Not as pretty as Scarlett, but she was still pretty.

"Yes. I'm here for Mr. pierce." Giving a confused look.

"Oh certainly. The meeting is being held on the 9th floor Mr.-?" I grinned. "Wilks." I headed towards the elevator and pressed the 9th floor button. "Ding!" The elevator opened. I walked outside and saw the glass cubicle. Not too different from mine. I walk inside and see my father, jake, Mr. Pierce, and an unfamiliar face.

"Mr. Hamilton." He said reaching out his hand to me.

"Mr. Wilks." I handed my hand over. We sat down in our seats and began the meeting. We talked about expanding the hotels around the world. We came up with having one in London, Berlin, Hawaii, Moscow, and France. We were pretty excited and this would be a big deal. It also means I would have to travel a lot. I love traveling. I wonder if Scarlett likes traveling. Oh no! Not again. I dont want to be thinking about her.

"Mr. Wilks? Earth to Mr. Wilks." Everyone starts laughing.

"Huh? Yes. Hi. I think its a great idea." What exactly did I say was a great idea?

"Great! We will book your ticket for 3 weeks from now to Las Vegas and you can talk to Mr. Vanderwall about expanding with him." Crap! I dazed off thinking about Scarlett and I agreed to go to Vegas? What have I just done?

"Perfect!" I try my best to say enthusiastically. I can't wait for the next 3 weeks to pass as slowly as possible.

Scarlett POV

I was almost over with my shift and I was exhausted. I had a pretty good day, though. Except the fact I saw Mr. Wils, was it? I turn to Lily, my boss "Lily, I am done with my shift. Can I go home?" She nods and with that, I leave. I go home and check mail. I was late on paying rent. Not only that, but I have to go to Las Vegas for Anthony's club opening and I barely have any money. With that on my mind, I reach my apartment and go inside.

"I'M SO DONE! I am late on rent, I have to travel, and I don't even have enough money for new clothes. On top of all that, I still can't get over Jagger. I barely sleep at night and I can barely pay for food. Oh Cookie, what am I gonna do?" Cookie, my maltese, looks at me and whimpers at me. "I know you are hungry, Cookie. I am so sorry. I'll go and get you your food tomorrow. You are all out." With that said, I turn on my T.V. and skip channels. There is nothing good. I'm just going to go to bed.

Today is my day off and I need to go look for a job that pays well. I look everywhere but I just can't find something I love. I need some coffee. About right now, I would be calling Jagger and we would be going out for coffee together. I reach down to grab my phone out of my purse when I see Mr. Wilks card. I think deeply for a second. I decided to do it. I unlock my phone and called the number on the card.

"Hello. Wilks Corporation. How may I help you?" A sweet sounding lady says. "Hello. This is Scarlett. I was wondering if I can talk to Mr. Wilks?"

"I'm so sorry but he is busy at the moment. Would you like me to give him a message?"

"Denis, who is it?" I hear his voice in the background. "Scarlett."

"Scarlett? What's up? Everything okay?" sounding so concerned. "Yes. You see, I'm not sure why I decided to call you, but I've been having a rough day and you are the first person I thought of." I lied. " Would you like to grab a coffee with me?" I cross my finger hoping he says yes.

" I think I can push back a couple meetings! Where would you like to meet?" He's actually thinking of pushing back meetings for me? " I don't want to bother you if you are busy. I apologize. I," he stops me "Scarlett don't apologize. Where would you like to go? Is Del Rose cafe okay?"

"Yes. See you soon. Thank you!" Im so glad he said yes!

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