The Painful Truth | 4

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Thalia POV

After breakfast, Luke got started with what happened.

"So, after I died. Hermes went to see me for the last time. The fates were around me and Hermes was in denial. He still believed I could live, so he made a deal with the fates. I don't know the deal, but it has something to do with letting me live. I woke up in so much pain and," his face scrunched up, "I-I had nightmares. Nightmares for weeks."

I looked into his eyes with concern, "What were the nightmares of?"

He looked at his feet, "I had a sister. I never
told anybody. Never. Kronos said if I join him he wouldn't hurt her. Well, he didn't hurt her, I did." Tears streamed down his eyes. The drips of water hit the floor, "She looked a lot like me, but she had brown eyes," he paused, "and I ruined her. I RUINED HER!" Luke was sobbing now. It hurt my heart to see him like this. "Kronos used my body, my hands, MY SWORD, to k-kill her. In reality, he didn't kill her. I did. But I still believe he killed her. No matter what he says."

He looked at me, "Her last words were about my eyes." He smiled a depressing smile. "I loved her, but in the end, my love destroyed her." I know it's his fault, and that he made the decision to follow Kronos, but he didn't want blood, he wanted love.

I scooted closer to him and pulled his head on my chest. I tried my best to comfort him. I rubbed his back, and ran my hands through his hair. His sob was now silent.

I whispered, "But in the end, you found me. A prize. Something that can't be broken or destroyed, because you can't break something that's already broken, right?"

His voice filled with pain,"But I was the one that broke you."

I shook my head, "No. You were the only one that kept me from breaking." He lifted his head. His eyes stared at me, as if he was looking for the truth, but I already gave it to him.

"I love you," I said this straight from my heart. Luke just nodded. He just nodded.

Annabeth POV

Jason and I haven't talked in a couple days. Thalia is missing, and Luke is alive. Great.

Luke POV

It's been now about 2 weeks since Thalia moved in with me. No one in camp knows she lives with me, and she still hasn't told me about anybody from camp. Thalia was on the couch, and it was about noon.

"Thals," I said.

She looked up from the tv, "Mhmm?"

"How is everybody doing in camp? You never told me."

She grabbed the remote and turned off the tv, and turned towards me, "Luke. There is way too much to say. What if you just go to camp with me and everyone can catch you up."

I looked at her as if she was crazy, "Thalia. The last time I was at camp, I tried to destroy it. Everyone will try to kill me."

She smirked, "Well, you already died once, what's there to lose?"

"You," I told her. She stood up and walked towards me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, playing with my hair. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me.

"Well, if you lost me, you would lose 2 amazing people in your life," she gulped.

"How would I lose 2?"

She looked at me, "Because, Luke, I'm pregnant." I stared straight at her. I looked down at her stomach. She couldn't be pregnant. I looked back up to her eyes, only to notice tears forming.

"If you want," she sniffled, "I could get an abortion, or even. Even." She paused and took a breath,

"You could leave me."

Thalia POV

Luke looked at me, "Thalia. I have to go." He was quick to grab his car keys. He ran out of his apartment, leaving me alone.

I cried for what seemed like hours. I tried to get my mind off of things, I went to camp.

Annabeth POV

I don't know what happened, but now everybody knows why Thalia isn't a hunter anymore, and that Luke is alive. There has been gossip about what happened. No one would know what really happened, unless Thalia came back.

I started to go off to Thals tree. Then I saw her. Thalia was sitting on the tree, crying.


"Annabeth, please leave me alone." Her eyes were puffy and red, black makeup was smeared down her face. I sat next I her.

"Thalia. I'm sorry, but everyone knows about Luke." Her head lifted from her hands. She stood up.

Stared me in the eye and said, "What?!" Before I could say anything else, she ran. She ran towards her cabin.

Thalia POV

I ran. My hands pushed open my cabin door, only to see something that made me more mad. Jason and Piper were on the bed. They were cuddling and just keeping each other company.

It made me mad, because I used to do that. I used to be happy like that. Piper was the first to notice me. She jumped up from the bed.

"Thalia, are you ok?" Piper questioned.
I just walked to my bed and sat in it. Piper and Jason untangled them selfs. Piper walked and sat next to me, making me smell her perfume.
"Everything alright?"

"I just want to be alone." She obviously looked hurt, but then walked out the cabin. I put my head on my pillow, and instantly fell asleep.

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