Morning with the moms(Janet)

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It was 8:00am on a Saturday. The sun was barley shining in through the curtains in Janet's room. Riley made her way over into her mothers room as usual and woke her up.

//Janets P.O.V//
I shot up awake as I saw a figure that looked like my spawn of satan.
"Mom I'm hungry."
"Wow so I cant even get my beauty sleep on the weekend?" She sighed "Why am I surprised, good morning to you too. Ill get you some breakfast soon."
"Otay fank you!" She replied as she runs out through the door-but peeps her head back in and asks
"Can you also put on Frozen for me pwease." I faintly nod as I pull off my warm cover off. God I cant wait for my first cup of wine I think to myself.

I come downstairs dressed and turn on Frozen for Riley and went to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of wine and make breakfast for both of us. I decided to make eggs and bacon since we ran out of cereal. I called Riley over and she replied with an otay so we both sat down and began to eat.
I heard a ping from my phone and pulled it out. The notification read 'Katrina' and I opened it.

Katrina= •
Janet:= -

•Hello Janet   08:29am
-Heyy   08:30am
•Hows it going, anything new?   08:31am
-Nah nothing much, how about you?  08:31am
•I'm fine  08:32am
-So was there any special reason you texted me?  08:32am
•Da, I was thinking we could go to the bar today, Chad and Bexx could watch kids i'll pick you up at 7?  08:33am
Janet thought for a couple seconds before replying
-Sure, not like I have anything better to do  08:33am
•Great see you then, bye Janet  08:34am
-Cya  08:34am

And with that Janet and Riley finished their breakfast and carried on with their day.

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