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Janet and Katrina were thinking where to spend their Christmas. They were deciding to go on like a couple week holiday to another country.

Both the women were currently sitting on the couch scrolling through their phones, checking places they could go and plane tickets. Meanwhile the children were upstairs in Misha and Sergei's bedroom. Katrina slapped her phone down on the couch as she said
"I know where we could go."
Janet looked up at her
Janet smiled "Hey not a bad idea."
"I would love to show you my home town and places around."
Janet's smile increased. Katrina cocked an eyebrow
"So? What do you say?"
Janet chuckled lightly
"Let's do it."
They called the kids down, Katrina knowing Misha and Sergei will be excited. They all came running down and up to their mothers.
"Will be go WinterWonder Land?!" Riley exclaimed. Janet shook her head as Misha and Sergei watched them intensely, patiently waiting for the reveal as Riley kept shouting out different possible places.
"Nope." Janet replied
"New Zealand?"
"United Kingdom?"
"Wha-? No!"
Janet was about to say no, expecting it was going to be something else. She looked at Katrina and looked back. They both nodded. Riley's mouth dropped
"Da." Katrina answered. The twins smiled widely as all three of them shouted yay and hopped around. Janet chuckled as Katrina just smiled. Everyone was overjoyed as they bought the tickets online. Their flight was in a couple days so the day before the flight they had packed their bags.

*The day of the flight*

Janet's alarm went off at 3:40am. Yes it was hella early. Janet groaned as she reached to stop it. Although Katrina was sleeping beside her, she luckily did not wake up. Janet sat up and rubbed her eyes. She was going to wake up Katrina at 4, until then she got dressed and some other things.

The clock was about to strike 4am as Janet walked back into her bedroom where Katrina was sleeping. She went over to her and gently shook her.
No answer.
Janet shook her more harder this time.
"Katrina you've got to wake up."
Katrina's eyes opened slightly as she slightly groaned turning over to her other side. 
"J-just ten more minutess." She slurred, half asleep. Janet sighed
"Alright fine." She said standing back up again. 

The 10 minutes passed and for Katrina it felt like 1 minute as for Janet, it just felt like a normal 10 minutes. Janet strolled back into the room and beside Katrina again.
"Katrina. Ten minutes is up."
"Mhm.." Katrina mumbled, eyes still shut.
"Kat. Get up."
Katrina mumbled some random words under her breath as she was fast asleep. Janet stood up and looked back
"Alright. Guess no more kisses for you if you don't-"
Katrina shot up.
"What??" She said
Janet grabbed ahold of her arm and pulled her out the bed.
"I'm up! I'm up!" Katrina said as she yawned.
"Yeah next minute you'll be asleep again." Janet replied.
"What's the time?" Katrina asked. Janet looked at her phone.
"4:15! We have just over an hour to leave the house-and we need to get the kids ready too!"
"Oh shit-" Katrina quickly started getting ready. Janet was also doing some other things as she was about to go wake up the children. Katrina walked into the room Janet was in and blurted
"Hey Janet can you quickly help me attach this bracelet?"
"Sure." She walked up to her and glanced at it. It was made of real diamonds and gold.
"I've never seen this or you wearing it before. Is it new?"
"No uh- my father gave this to me when I was younger."
"Oh." Janet took a second glance at it. She smiled and looked up at her.
"It's cute."
Katrina returned the smile. They both then remembered that they needed to speed up so they carried on. Janet ran into Riley's room where all of them were sleeping, and woke them up. 
"Cmon guys, time to wake up." She clapped her hands. They all moaned and groaned, annoyed and tired.
"Come on, we don't wanna be late. You guys can get to sleep in the plane."
It was a bit of a challenge, but Janet eventually managed to wake all of them up. They all got changed but Riley didn't notice her shirt was inside out. She probably hasn't fully woken up yet.
"Oh my god Riley-" Janet muttered as she helped her.

Janet, Katrina, Riley, Misha and Sergei all got ready and quickly had a small snack for breakfast before they left. They left their house and entered the car to drive to the airport. For the 30 min ride, the kids all fell asleep at the back while Janet also snoozed a bit. Once they got there they done everything they needed to at the airport and had to wait for the plane for a bit at the end. After a while they finally boarded the plane.

"I call window seat!" Riley called as they all settled down and got comfortable in their spots.
The airplane was about to take off and Riley asked
"Mom tan I watch Frozen?"
"No Riley, you gotta put your iPad on airplane mode."
"But whyyy."
"Cuz those are the rules. Go to sleep instead, you were very tired at the start."
Riley frowned as she gave the iPad to Janet to take care of.
The plane eventually lifted off the ground and into the air. Through the flight, Riley constantly kept asking 'How much longer?' And since Janet was asleep, there was only Katrina to answer her question. 'Is this why Janet went to sleep? So she can leave me to deal with Riley?' Katrina jokingly thought to herself. For most of the flight, Riley was very focused and intrigued at looking out the window, the twins played different games with each other in their seats, Janet was sleeping, and Katrina just read a book until near the end she ended up falling asleep too.

After hours in the plane, they had finally landed. Everyone was happy as they one by one exited the aircraft. As soon as Katrina stepped one foot onto the ground, she smiled. It was good to be back she thought. Back in where she grew up and where she raised Misha and Sergei, in Moscow.
They found a place to stay as they settled in and unpacked. They were probably going to take a walk around the town the next day since at the moment they were tired. When they got there, it was already almost turning night so they all got ready for bed.

The kids were in their own room doing their own things, getting ready to sleep soon too, as Janet was sitting on her bed with her phone. Katrina came out of the bathroom from her shower, she was wrapped in a red towel while she was drying her hair with another towel. Janet looked up and put her phone down.
"Imma go take a shower now too and i'll join you in bed after." She said standing up. Katrina nodded as she dryed herself and got changed into her pyjamas. Suddenly, her phone started ringing. Curious, Katrina picked up her phone and saw who was calling her. Her eyes slightly widened. It was very unexpected for her, it was her childhood friend, Natasha. They haven't  talked to each other in ages. She slowly picked up as she put the phone to her ear.
"Katrina bozhe moy!" (Katrina oh my god!) she exclaimed
"Natasha?" Katrina said
"Katrina, o bozhe, eto bylo tak davno, ya skuchal po tebe, gde ty byl?" (Katrina, oh my, its been so long I missed you where have you been?)
"Tasha- okay, I thought we drifted apart? Why didn't you call way earlier??"
"Woah- we're speaking English now? Weird. But way earlier I couldn't reach you somehow and now I finally did! Last time I saw you was like before you moved to Canada which was like a year and some months ago!"
"Hm strange, and da."
"Ugh I wish I could see you but we're in different countries."
"Wait actually no, i'm in Russia right now! I came to spend Christmas here."
"WHAT?! You have to visit tomorrow. I'm not taking niet for an answer."
"Maybe not tomorrow, I could come Sunday though."
(It was Friday at the moment)
"Ugh fine. Well I will go now. We'll talk more when you come. do svidaniya Trina!" (Bye)
"Alright. See you Tasha."

A/n:Why when i finish these chapters its always in the middle of the night on a SCHOOL NIGHT😭(rn 2:26am) but ye i have been trying to finish writing this chapter for a couple days now lol and i will be continuing the next chapter, part 2, tmr. Cya guys!

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