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(Lets just pretend it was around the end of November) In Canada, it was already snowing and the kids, Riley, Misha and Sergei, have been begging their mothers to see each other and go out to play in the snow. They thought it wasn't a bad idea and so they went to that huge park Katrina took Janet on their first date (if you remember that you're epic).
At the moment Katrina and Janet were walking along the sidewalk as the children were too, but instead running along and having a small snowball fight. In the middle of it, Sergei threw a snowball at Riley but it accidentally hit her face.
"Riley!" Misha cried before turning to Sergei
"Sergei! Apologise to Riley right now!" He fumed.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to it was an accide-" he got interrupted by a snowball hitting back at his face. Misha looked back from where that came from and to his surprise, it was Riley.
"Headshot!" Riley announced rubbing the extra snow off her cheek from Sergei's snowball. The look on Misha's face could tell that he was impressed.
'Damn, that was savage.' He thought. Sergei eventually got all the snow off his face and blurted
"All right, i'll take that. I didn't mean for it to hit your head though."
"Its otay." Riley giggled.
"Cmon guys!" Janet shouted a couple metres in front, telling them to catch up. They all caught up with them and carried on doing their thing. Janet was wearing an oversized cozy hoodie that was not going to keep her warm for long. She practically did not dress up for this cold. Meanwhile Katrina was obviously wearing her toque, a scarf, a coat, gloves and woolly boots. Katrina also hated that Janet was only wearing that, she didn't want her to catch a cold, remembering the time she had one.
"Jeez Janet, did you seriously not think about the weather?" Katrina asked. They were walking together with their arms clung onto each others. Janet shrugged
"I don't know what I was thinking. Andd plus you came to pick us up quite quickly so I didn't have enough time to check the weather."
"That is the worst excuse I have ever heard. You managed to get Riley ready but not yourself."
"Like I said, I didn't have enough time."
"I could have always waited for you."
Janet stopped in her tracks which made Katrina stop since their arms were hooked together.
"Wait- are you mad at me?" Janet asked
"This isn't a joke. You could get really sick and I definitely don't want that happening to you."
Janet pouted a bit and leant in for a kiss but Katrina denied it.
"What?" Janet questioned
"Ah ah ah, you might have an unannounced cold already and you don't want to spread it do you? So thats your lesson, no more kisses until you dress properly for this weather."
Janet gave her a look
"Are you serious-?"
Katrina gave her a side eye silently for a bit before smirking very slightly and quickly leaned and pecked a small kiss on her lips.
"You know that I wouldn't be able to go long without a Janet-kiss." Katrina said. Janet chuckled before Katrina added
"No but seriously, don't forget next time."

They continued walking as they reached the place where there used to be ice creams, but this time it was replaced with hot drinks like hot chocolate, coffee etc.
"Mom, look!! Hot cocoa! Tan we, tan we pweaseeeeee?!" Riley begged as she pointed to the stand and jumped up and down.
"Sure. I don't see why not." Janet agreed as they all walked over. They all ordered a hot chocolate except from Katrina.
"You sure you don't want one, Kat?" Janet said slipping out her money from her wallet. Katrina shook her head as Janet slowly placed the money down on the counter of the stand while staring at Katrina.
"What." Katrina asked with her hands in her pockets.
"Hm wow. Im surprised you're letting me pay. Usually you'd be like, 'oH jAneT, yOu dOnT hAve tO pAy, I wiLl'." Janet tried faking Katrina's voice before laughing a bit. Katrina glared at her before clicking her tongue and saying
"Were you just trying to sound like me." She questioned. Janet smirked a bit
"You know what whatever-" Katrina hastily said before adding "about the money, I left it at home."
Janet raised a brow
"You never not leave your money."
"You never not dress up until today."
"Okay stop mentioning that." Janet playfully backhand slapped Katrina on her arm. After another minute or two the drinks were ready. Janet took two as Katrina took the other two and passed them to her sons as Janet gave it to Riley and kept one for herself.
"Careful they might be hot." Janet reassured. A couple metres away there was a big field that was now all covered in snow that they decided to go to. Katrina and Janet sat down on a bench as the kids ran off to make a snowman.
Janet was around halfway done through her drink
"Brrr" she quietly shivered though Katrina heard. She wrapped her arm around her and pulled her in closer as Janet layed her head on her shoulder.
After a while, to Katrinas surprise, Janet had fallen asleep, but was still shivering a bit. You could see the freezing air coming out of her mouth as she breathed. She still had a bit of her drink left. Katrina took it out of her hands and placed it beside them on the bench. Katrina moved Janet off of her for a bit so that she could slowly manage to take of her coat. She put it on Janet's back and wrapped it around her. After that, she shockingly took off her black and red toque and assured it on Janet's head. She done the same with her scarf and wrapped it round her neck, slowly so she wouldn't wake up. Katrina finally put her arm back round as Janet subconsciously cuddled into her, feeling warmer already. Katrina was feeling only bit cold but she didn't care, she was just way happier knowing Janet wasn't cold.
Meanwhile the kids were enjoying their time as they have successfully almost finished building a snowman. The face was slightly crooked but it was fine-they still liked it anyway. After like 5 minutes, Janet slowly woke up. She woke up to feel- warmer? She thought. She looked to the side and saw Katrina without a hat. 'Ok, wtf.' She thought as she slowly realised that Katrina had dressed her up while she was asleep.
"Katrina?? What did you do?!"
"Look who's feeling warmer." Katrina smirked.
"Put your things back on. Especially your hat- you look strange without it."
Katrina chuckled slightly
"No way. You shall be wearing it until you go home."
Janet stared at her
"Its fine. You need it more than I do. Plus, i'll be fine, I grew up in Russia and it was pretty cold there so I am used to it."
Janet sighed without a response and lay her head back down on Katrina's shoulder. They stayed there for a bit longer before calling Riley, Misha and Sergei over and informing them that they're going home now. They hopped into the car and Katrina drove Janet and Riley back. As she was driving, Janet removed Katrina's items. Katrina stopped in front of her house and Janet just took off her toque. She looked at Katrina who had a smirk ok her face. Janet threw the hat in her face as Katrina laughed.
"Put the hat on already." Janet leaned over and put the hat on for her as Katrina snickered some more before they all said goodbyes, and the Russians drove back home to their own house.

A/n: sorry if the ending might have looked rushed, my eyes are slowly beginning to shut and i almost fell asleep writing this but i rlly wanted to publish this tonight😅😂enjoy guys

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