House Of Terror

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It was Saturday, both moms were getting ready to go and they agreed Katrina would pick Janet up at 5:00.
"Riley! Cmon lets leave now!" Janet announced
"Otay i'm coming!" Riley responded as she grabbed her backpack from her room and came running down
"You ready?"
Janet smiled at her little ball of energy as they headed out to the car. They drove over to Chads and dropped Riley off. Katrina had already dropped off the twins before her. Then Janet went back home to wait for Katrina.
*10 minutes later*
Knock knock knock
Janet stood up and went to answer the door
"Hello Janet." Katrina smiled
"Hey Katrina" Janet replied while putting on her jacket and closing the door behind her then locking it. They both went to the car, Janet in the passenger seat and Katrina driving.
"D'you know where to go?"
"Da it's about 20 mins away from here." She told her as she began driving. They arrived and parked the car. They got out and began walking a path way that should lead them to their destination. There were trees and flowerbeds all around and they walked through admiring the view. They finally walked far enough to see a sign saying 'House Of Terror' up ahead and followed to where the arrow pointed. They finally arrived and walked up to the front bit and saw a manager standing behind a stand

(Should look something like this idk😭)Both women walked up to it"Hello how may I help you? Are you guys here for the House Of Terror?" The manager asked"Yeah we are

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(Should look something like this idk😭)
Both women walked up to it
"Hello how may I help you? Are you guys here for the House Of Terror?" The manager asked
"Yeah we are." Janet said
"Just the two of you?"
"Alright per one person it's $8 so your total is $16"
It cost that much since it would be a realistic experience and the quality isn't low
"Cash or card?"
"Card" Katrina quickly said while taking her card out
"No Katrina i'll pay." Janet said
"No Janet-" Katrina argued back
Just before she was going to finish talking Katrina quickly swiped her card
"Oops! Ready payed, better luck next time." Katrina smirked at Janet
"Thanks" Janet softly chuckled
"Not a problem" she smiled back
"Okay you guys may enter, good luck!" Said the manager.
//Katrina's P.O.V//
I smiled and nodded as we both walked in. It was decorated pretty spookily but not even close enough to scare me.
"Damn are those real?" Janet blurted while pointing to a bunch of spiders that are in a corner on the ceiling. I squinted and looked closer
"Niet just fake." I stated as we continued walking
We heard 2 screams that sounded awfully real. We kept moving forward. We came into a new room and saw a creepy looking man, his clothes we a bit ripped in some spots and had a burnt looking face. His teeth and and nails weren't looking too good..
"Wow what happened to him" I laughed as we began to walk passed him but suddenly he launched in front of us and leaned forward with both his arms out. I clenched my fists as a reflex
"HOLY SHIT-" Janet exclaimed getting jump scared as she clung onto my arm. I blushed a bit at the sudden movement she just did but she didn't notice because she was terrified. She still didn't notice she was clung onto my right arm.
"Hopefully you didn't prevent it to do that" Janet sighed
"It was probably programmed to do that."
"Touché, and I noticed you slightly jumped as well." she smirked. My eyes widened a bit
"Uh, no?"
Janet raised her eyebrow at me
"Okay maybe, but it was a reflex."
Janet softly giggled
"But you should've seen yourself." I chuckled back
"Riley ready scares me enough," She rolled her eyes
"But yeah that was pretty scary" she laughed
"Don't worry I will protect you." I said jokingly as I smirked, knowing full well I actually would. Janet then laughed in a flustered way? She then quickly realised her arms were wrapped around mine as she quickly removed them and looked the other way.
//Janet's P.O.V//
I felt my face heat up as I had to look the other way. Was I blushing?? Why?!?!
"Janet?" I heard my name being called. I turned my head round facing Katrina
"Uh, yes?" I nervously asked wondering if she had noticed I was pink. Wait. Why even was I? I had to think about it when I get home I thought.
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled
"Lets keep moving shall we?"
I nodded in response as we carried on. More laughs and jumps happened as we were there.
We finally came out and there was a manager standing outside
"We made it!" I said jokingly while giggling as if we weren't going to survive
"Da" Katrina chuckled along with me
Then we realised we came out HOLDING HANDS- we quickly let go before we heard someone say
"How was it? You guys have fun?" The manager asked
"Pretty spooky." I said looking at Katrina to carry on
"Da, much of an experience. We had fun." She stated
"Thats great! Have a great evening guys." The manager said
"Thanks you too." I replied while Katrina just smiled back.
"Where should we go now?" I ask
"There was a beach nearby here remember?"
"Oh yeah sure, we can go there"
We took the same path from where we came but went in a different direction. We came across a sign that showed the beach was up ahead, so we were on the right track. We climbed up a hill and over it began the sand. We stared at the view for about 2 mins before coming down to the beach. We came by the shore and walked along it. Admiring the beautiful sunset setting. There were only a couple people there we noticed. Katrina then saw a stick on the side and she picked it up and began carving something into the sand. I watched confused as she finally stood up and smiled
"Katrina what is this?"
She drew ' J+K ' in the sand with a small heart next to it thinking Janet wouldn't notice or question it
"Our initials" she told me
I smiled continuously looking at what she drew and saw the little heart
"And the heart?" I said faintly giggling
Katrina slightly began panicking and came up with a lie
"For our friendship"
We then sat down by the initials in peaceful silence, listening to the waves come by and go.
//Katrina's P.O.V//
We were sitting calmly, savouring the moment. I look over at Janet, the breeze flowing through her soft blonde hair, her magnificent crystal blue eyes shining, her stunning face and glamorous lips. Everything about was just so-
"Katrina?" I quickly snap out of my thoughts
"Everything okay?" Janet asked because I was staring at her
No. It's not because the woman I love surely doesn't love me back.
"Da, I thought there was something on your face but theres nothing" I lie once more
"Oh okay, well I think we should get going and pick up the kids."
I nod as we both stand up and head back to the car. We picked up our kids and Janet drove me back home. Before I got out the car I told her
"I had an amazing time Janet, I hope to do something like this again soon." I smile at her
"Me too." Janet returned the smile as we held a stare for about 10seconds before I broke it
"Well then, see you next time." I said getting out, Misha and Sergei by my side
"Yeah, cya." Janet replied and drove off. We entered our house and I let the boys stay up for about another half an hour before putting them to bed.

A/n: Finally this chapters complete >;OO Hope you guys enjoyed reading this^^ I ready have the next chapter set in mind, so imma write it since I got nothing better to do 🤠🤟 have a great morning/afternoon/evening/where ever yall are! 

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