freaky fRiDaY

204 4 16

a/n: welp looks like i am doing the idea🤓my mind wondered off many times in the middle of this butttt enjoy this rando chapter lmao

"Well that was some movie." Janet grinned, grabbing the remote and turning the tv off.
"Da," Katrina chuckled with her "can't believe the mother and daughter actually switched bodies."
Janet looked up at the clock and it was just past 11.
"I think we should go to bed now." she yawned as Katrina agreed.
They both got up from the couch and started walking upstairs to get ready for bed.
"Hey, imagine if this actually happened to us." Janet said reaching the top of the stairs with Katrina just behind her.
"Don't jinx it." Katrina joked as Janet smirked. "But, that would be- terrible." they talked quietly since Riley, Misha and Sergei were already asleep.
Once Janet and Katrina finished getting ready for bed, they slipped under the covers and fell asleep.
They fell asleep pretty quickly, as the time passed and eventually hit 12:00, midnight.

Morning slowly came by, and Janet seemed to be the first one who woke up. Her eyes slowly opened as she didn't pay much attention to her surroundings, until she caught a glimpse of something, or someone, in the corner of her eye. She turned her head, assuming it was Katrina. But what she saw really made her wake up. She rubbed her eyes multiple times, blinking repeatedly. All Janet could see was literally herself, her body, sleeping right next to her.
'Am I dead? Am I a ghost?!' she thought. She didn't know whether to think if this was a really realistic dream or not.
"Okay- what the hell.." she mumbled before noticing something. 'Do I have an accent??'
"The fuck is going on.." she said more clearly but still quietly. But yes! She had a Russian accent. She gasped.
"Why- D-do I have a Russian accent?!" Janet muttered before she looked at her own hands noticing something was different. They didn't feel, or look like her own hands. She quickly yanked her side of the covers off and looked down at her body. Yes it was different- it was toned and definitely not hers. She started freaking out, turning her attention back to the person who looked exactly like her.
'That couldn't be Katrina..could it?..Only one way to find out.'
Janet shook her and kept shaking her until she woke up. Katrina, who was in Janet's body, finally woke up and looked at Janet, who was in Katrina's body. She jolted upright with an alarmed expression.
"Who are you- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME. And why am I speaking like this?!" Katrina realised she had a Boston accent.
"It's me! Janet!" Janet tried telling her, but it wasn't exactly believable since she looked and sounded exactly like Katrina.
"Janet? But you literally look like me how are you-"
"You don't look like yourself either- you look like me!" Janet interrupted her as there was a silence for a couple seconds, before a gasp escaped Katrina's mouth breaking the silence as she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Janet quickly followed as they both went to look at themselves in the bathroom mirror. They couldn't believe their eyes. Both Janet and Katrina had identical looks of horror on their faces. Katrina stumbled back a bit, almost tripping over something as she dared another look at the mirror. Janet's face was pale white, she had her mouth wide open.
"This cannot be happening-" Katrina said still examining themselves with wide eyes.
"What the ff- what the hell are we gonna do." Janet exclaimed.
"Does it look like I have a clue?? I don't even know how this happened!" she scolded. Janet sighed as she continued glaring at herself in the mirror.
"This is crazy. We have to tell someone-" Katrina said as she was about to leave the bathroom before Janet grabbed her wrist.
"No you idiot we can't tell ANYONE this!"
Katrina stared at her before it looked like she was about to lose her mind.
"This is crazy, this is crazy.. THIS IS CRAZY." she hastily said as she started pacing.
"Okay- just- calm down, i'm sure there has to be a way to fix this." Janet tried reassuring her
"Well there were no Chinese women who gave us fortune cookies and then an earthquake happening-I DON'T REMEMBER THAT." Katrina said sarcastically.
"So you're saying this happened because we watched that movie last night??"
"I don't know! It might be?!"
Janet groaned as she sat down on the toilet seat.
"I guess the only thing we can do right is just live in each other's bodies for now, and then somehow, figure out how to change back." she planted her face in her hands as Katrina looked down at her.
"So what you're saying, is that we just have to try and stay calm like nothing is happening??"
"Do you have a better idea?!" Janet lifted her head and looked up at her
"Uhm- yes! Find out why the fuck this is happening!"
"We will! We just have to try and be each other around others so they don't suspect anything, and at the same time try fix this."
Katrina let out a sigh.
They both went out of the bathroom before seeing three toddlers coming out of their room.
"Oh, morning mom! We were just about to come wake you up but you guys woke up first.." Riley stated. Janet was about to answer before remembering she was in Katrina's body. Riley was staring at Katrina waiting for an answer as Janet looked at her too. She nudged her a bit to answer Riley as Katrina realised that she was Janet for everyone else.
"Oh uhm- yeah. Morning to you too."
There was an awkward silence for about five seconds before Janet said
"Why don't you three go downstairs, we'll be down in a bit to make breakfast."
"Otay mother." the twins said as they all ran downstairs. Janet and Katrina let out a breath they didn't know they were holding in as they looked at each other.
"This is going to be hard." Katrina said.
They both went back in the bedroom and Katrina opened the top drawer of their dresser.
"I guess..we have to wear each other's clothes."
she said in a low voice, pulling out a random one of Janet's shirts.
"Yup." Janet replied. They quickly got changed and exited their bedroom.
"You go ahead, imma go to the bathroom real quick"
Janet told Katrina as she nodded and went downstairs to make breakfast.
She went in the bathroom and just had a random need to rinse her face with cold water. Once she finished, she was about to leave before spotting the mirror again and took a moment to look at herself once more. Her arms caught her eye as they were obviously much more toned. She hesitantly rose them and quickly flexed for a second before stopping. She obviously ready knew Katrina had muscles but was still a bit speechless. She left the bathroom slightly heated as she went downstairs to join the others.
Katrina had just finished making breakfast as she set it down on the table. Janet joined them as they began to eat. The silence was loud as the only noise that could be heard were forks and knives scraping against plates.
"Um, mother?" Misha cleared his throat, breaking the silence. Katrina lifted her head and accidentally answered
"Yes?" she said before shutting her mouth and realised she's in Janet's body. Everyone looked at her. The kids had a look on their faces that looked puzzled, confused and weird all at once. Janet looked at her also as a wave of embarrassment crossed Katrina, until..


Saved by the bell. Katrina quickly got up to answer to door to escape that weird situation. But to her surprise, it was Nona.
"Non- I mean- Ma? W-what're you doing here?"
"Hey, I came down here to tell you that I quit drinkin."
An alarmed look formed on Janet's face as she quickly looked over at the front door.
"Uh-" Katrina struggled with words as she looked back at Janet. Janet just nodded, telling her to carry on the conversation. Katrina turned back to Nona
"You came all the way here to tell me that?"
"Well excuse me I thought that was a big deal."
"Yeah, well-"
Katrina got interrupted by Riley. Nona looked down and said
"Well hello my little ravioli, what's up with you."
Janet, Misha and Sergei also came over. Janet leaned in next to Katrina and whispered
"Tell her something to make her leave."
Katrina looked at her.
"What? No I can't."
"What are you talking about yes you can."
"Okay what should I say then."
"I dunno! Tell her we were about to go to the park or something."
"Ugh, fine." Katrina sighed as she stepped back in the conversation interrupting the kids and Nona.
She cleared her throat and said
"So uh, Ma- we were actually planning on going to the park I think it's time for you to go. I'll call you later though."
"Oh yea sure, Ernie's waiting for me in the car anyway so, have fun." Nona said as she left.
Once the door closed Janet and Katrina sighed before Riley exclaimed
"We're going to the park??"
"No we are n-"
Riley started putting her shoes on as so did the twins. Janet looked at Katrina
"Looks like theres no stopping them. Guess we have to go now."

Once they got there, Janet and Katrina took a seat at a bench as the kids played at the playground further down.
"So. When you answered Misha at the tabl-" Janet began slightly laughing
"Please- can we not talk about that." Katrina quickly interrupted as Janet chuckled.
"I even felt embarrassed for you." Janet smirked.
"Da." Katrina look down, also slightly beginning to laugh. Janet stopped laughing and realised something
"Wait, you can still speak Russian?"
"Oh- well, yeah. Did you think now that we switched you could speak Russian?"
"I-I don't know heh. I guess it's kinda weird since I have a Russian accent but I can't even speak the language."
"We switched bodies, dorogoy(darling), not thoughts and feelings." Katrina poked the end of Janet's nose.
"Hm, well I must say, I do sound pretty hot speaking the language." Janet joked.
"Pfft, right." They both laughed.

a/n: im just gonna end it there bc i didnt really have a plan of how i was gonna write and end this off so yeah- :p
for some reason when i first thought of doing this idea i swear i had more ideas but once i actually started writing, most of them just vanished😭 (thats why this chapter took longer to post since i was trying to remember the other small ideas) so it may be tiny bit short idk

(also just remember guys this isnt in the storyline its just a silly lil chapter lmao)

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