Lost In Amsterdam

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I couldn't believe it, ahhh, here I was in Dublin Airport on the way to Amsterdam to see my favourite person ever perform live, Hailee Steinfeld. She announced a European tour a few months back and unfortunately Dublin wasn't on the list, London was but id been to London before, not Amsterdam.

I had a window seat for my flight and had the whole row to myself, I'd miss Dublin but it was only a couple of days. I landed in the Dam and it is such a beautiful city. I got to my hotel, checked in and put down all my luggage. I decided to go for a walk around the city to take it all in before the concert later that night. I went to visit Anne Frank's House, the highest point in Amsterdam and even the football stadium, a lot in one day, I know.

6 ó clock came around quick and I dressed myself up for the concert, before you ask, I'm going alone, I just have to experience this one for myself, and myself only. I got changed into a nice black skirt and a red crop top and a pair of red shoes. I did my hair nice and curly and a nice black handbag.

I wasn't waiting outside the arena for too long, I got standing tickets, so I'd be real close. I went to the toilet as soon as I got in to make sure I didn't need to go mid concert. As I was pulling up my skirt I heard a lot of loud screams. I finished pulling up my skirt and flushed the toliet and opened the door to see what was going on. I could see why people were screaming, the Queen herself was standing in the public toilets. When I saw her my heart stopped. She was even more beautiful in person.

I just stood there for a few seconds like an idiot and then just fixed my skirt. She caught me staring. I went to wash my hands. Hailee looked over at me. "Hey", she said. I looked up from my hands. "uh hey, yeah sure". My cheeks went all red. "Sorry it is super unexpected to run into you, here of all places". Hailee laughs. "well someone backstage was taking forever and I was bursting so", she says. "really they only have one toliet there, low blow I guess". Hailee laughs again. "how are you liking Europe so far? ", I ask. "yeah it's great you know", hailee says as she fixes her hair in the mirror. "it's a different way of life and something that I admire, everyone everywhere is nice and just I get good vibes", hailee says. I nod my head. "I agree, there's good craic in my places". Hailee looks up confused. "craic, craic as in the drug", hailee asks. " oh no, not drugs, no, that's just how I say good vibes where I'm from, Ireland", I reply. "oh jeez, had me worried for a second, are you here on holidays?", hailee asks. "uh no, I flew over to see your concert, cause you know there wasn't one in Ireland so". I go a little more red in the face. "oh yeah, about that I tried to get a date there, but my management told me there wouldn't be a point", hailee says. "what really, I'm telling you, you'd sell out, not a bother, next time force them to put Dublin on the list of cities, we would really appreciate it". I smile. Hailee smiles back. "well I can't tell you how kuch it means to mean that you flew across a country to come see me, the support is something I will forever be thankful for", hailee says. "of course, thank you for the music and the movies. Hailee walks closer to me. I barely catch my breath. She sticks out her hand." hailee". I stick out mine. "y/n". We shake hands. "y/n it was so lovely to meet you, I hope we can cross paths again soon", hailee says. "yeah you to hailee, thank you", I reply. She smiles, turns around and begins to walk away. She turns back around, " oh nice outfit by the way it suits you", she says. I look down at myself and smile, "thank you".

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