We get to the venue at 5.30pm. Hailee had fallen asleep. When the bus stopped her team and her parents got out. I walked over to Hailee. I started to shake her. "Hailee", I said. She starting grunting. "we are here", I said. Hailee opened her eyes and looked outside. "shit, we are, this time difference thing is such a pain", she says getting up. "I'm sure you'll have time to nap inside just before, power naps are class", I say. "I just love to sleep to be honest", Hailee says. We walk off the bus into the car park of the arena. We walk through until we get to the dressing rooms. Hailee's room has her name on it. She walks in and I wait outside. "are you going to come in"?, she asks while holding the door open. "I want to give you your space to get ready, I can walk around for a while", I say. "will you just come in", Hailee laughs. I come into the dressing room.
The room has a couch, a mirror, a toliet and a rack of clothes. A fridge and a vending machine. "help yourself", she says. I grab a fruit juice from the fridge. I sit down on the couch. Hailees team comes in. "right haiz, same as last night, was fabulous, people love you, and rightly so, same energy, keep it up kid", her manager says. They leave and let her get ready. Hailee dresses up, she puts on a nice Pair of Gucci trousers and a matching crop top. She turns around to face me. "well"?, she asks. I turn around. My jaw drops but I close it quick. "you look stunning", I say. She goes a little red. "thank you", she says. "I just gotta go find my fam, I'll be back you can wait here", she tells me.
I lie down on the couch and without realising close my eyes and fall asleep.
I wake up to someone shaking me and calling my name. "y/n! Y/n! Wake up the show starts in 10!“. I jump up." what!, its only 6, show starts at 7“, I reply. "what no silly, you fell asleep and pretty heavy you were snoring", Hailee says. "ah bollox, look I can't help the snoring, just means I'm well asleep", I say going red. Hailee laughs. "let's go".
I grab my camera and we leave the room. As we are walking to backstage we come across a few doors. I turn to Hailee who was on her phone taking a photo for her insta story. "Lee, you ready to run? “, I say." what? “, she says confused. I run up to the doors and knock loudly on them as I run by. Hailee laughs and runs behind me. "shit y/n, what are you doing ahaha", she laughs running after me. She records the video on her phone, of us running and laughing. We get to backstage out of breath and laughing.
"oh my god, you are lucky we can both run", she jokes. "that was gas", I say. "ill never understand your guyss slang", she says putting her hand through her hair. "you will have to at some stage", I joke.

Hailee went on stage and the crowd cheered her super loud. I can tell that this made her super happy and she was born to do it. A natural. I took some photos from behind this time aswell. Hailee saw me and smiled at me everytime. She had the nicest fucking smile out there. At the end, she asked the crowd for a photo. Her and her dancers kneeled down at the end of the stage while the crowd all cheered. Everyone was looking at me. 10002, eyes on me. Nerve-wracking to say the least. I took the photo and gave Hailee the thumbs up. "thank you Milan, for two wonderful nights that I'll never forget, you all hold a special place in my heart, and I'll never be able to thank you all enough",Hailee said. The crowd cheered her on. She blew kisses into the crowd and came backstage and the stage went dull. The lights in the arena went on.
I couldn't believe it, how the fuck did I end up here at a sold up arena tour taking pictures for my idol. I went back to the dressing room and waited for Hailee. She came in a few minutes later. "that was amazing, I truly have the best fans", she said happily. "you do". "oh snory", she said. I crunched My face. "that's good fair fair yeah", I said. Hailee laughs. "that's embarrassing", I say. "I'm starved we can go for some dinner and then go out to the club", she says.

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