Twennie Two

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It was super nice out, not too warm and nice and mild. Hailee's driver drove us to Villa Borghese. "okay you can open your eyes Lee", I say. "finally", she says taking her hands off her eyes. She looks out the window. "oh my god its incredible", she smiles.

We get out of the car. "so I've a couple of things planned and then after something else too", I say. "wow, sounds good I'll follow you then", Hailee smiles. "is your security coming" I ask. "he's gonna wait in the car and if it gets bad I have my location on he can track my phone", she says. "okay cool, well its lowkey so hopefully all good", I say.

We walk over to the pond and Hailee sees the boats. "a small boat trip wow", she says smiling like a little kid. We get to the desk, more like a little shed and I pay for a boat. We get in and get an ore each. I take the left one because my shoulder is still iffy. We get out a little and see all the turtles and ducks. "I love the water", Hailee says. "I do too", I say back. We go around the little lake for a while. "can I take a photo just for the memories", I ask. "of course you can I will too", Hailee says. I pull out my phone and open the camera. I direct it at Hailee who throws up a pose. "yesss girl", I say. She laughs. I take another picture. I take a video aswell of the surroundings. I don't think I'd ever been so happy. I didn't realise but Hailee was taking pictures of me when I was doing my thing. I looked up and saw. "I look crap in photos there is a reason I'm behind the camera", I joked. "y/n that's not true, you look great", she says showing me the photo. "that's not half bad to be fair", I say looking. "I'll send it to you", she says.

We finish our lake trip and thank the people. We walk only a minute or so and I stop. "y/n what are you doing", Hailee asks. "this is the next thing I've planned", I say proudly. Hailee looks around and sees the bikes with 4 wheels basically like an open car. "oh shit really", she says excited. "yeah let's go, we can take turns driving it", I say.

We get a cart and I drive first. "why do you keep going on the wrong side, stay on the right", Hailee says. "cause back home we drive on the left side I'm just used to that", I explain. I swerve around a corner and regain control of the cart. Hailee laughs. "woahh, slow down will you", she laughs. "neverrrrr", I say messing.

I let Hailee drive the cart, she puts both hands on the wheel. "why do you  only drive with one hand y/n", she asks as she starts to drive. "cause one hand is for the gears", I explain. "you can drive with gears, really wow, you'll have to teach me one day", she says. "I'd love to", I say. We go around the whole park and toward the end we come across a little stall selling key chains and souvenirs. "wait can we stop , I wanna get something", Hailee says. "of course", I say. Hailee gets out and buys a couple of keychains that say Rome on them. She thanks the vendor and walks back to the cart. On her way she doesn't see a hole in the ground and trips and hits the ground pretty hard. I get up out of the cart straight away and help her up. "Lee are you okay, are you hurt", I ask as I help her up. "no I'm okay just a little scratch, I'll be fine",she says. She looks okay and doesn't seem hurt. I give her a hug. "you sure", I ask. "yeah it's all good", she says. We get back into the cart and I drive back to the renting place. We give the cart back.

"thank you for that y/n was truly lovely, shows you put in the effort", Hailee says. "I did haha", I say. A girl starts to look at us funny. "we've been spotted", Hailee says. The girl comes up to Hailee and asks for a photo. Hailee is super polite to her and I take their photo. She thanks Hailee and gives her a hug. Hailee thanks her for the support.

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