Fity Three

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Hailee's POV

We got back to mine around 11am. We had had a lovely breakfast and I don't think we were spotted. "my Dad said he will be here in 5 minutes y/n", I say. "okay grand" she says sitting on the couch. "I only have a week left of my time off, but I'll be staying in La for a while, may have to go to New York at some point", I say. "as much as I don't want you to leave as I said before it's super cool your lifestyle sometimes", she says. "yeah I agree, I'm blessed", I say. "I can't wait for Billie's concert to take pictures", she says. "I bet so", I smile at her. "you are coming with me though, please", she says. "of course, when I can", I smile at her. The doorbell rings. "he's here, I say. I get the door and open it." hey dad", I say giving my Dad a hug. "hey sweetie", he says. "hey Pete", y/n says. "y/n!", dad says. "so good to see you". "same to you", y/n says.
She lies down on the couch and lets my Dad do his thing. "it looks better already so that's a good sign, just give it a little more time I'd say", Dad says. "great thank you", she says as she gets up. "Hailee, when are you going to come and collect Martini, you said you'd come yesterday but never did", Dad says. My face starts to go red. Y/n looks at me sharply. "uh, today, actually pretty soon", I say nervously. "alright", Dad says.
He leaves. "did you not go to your parents last night", y/n asks. "well, eh", I say slowly walking around. "Hailee I'd rather you be honest than tell me a lie", she says. "you deserve the truth y/n, it might seem bad but I promise its not", I say. "what is it", she says walking closer to me. "I uh, I saw Cam", I say stuttering. "wow, okay, well I guess I have to say thanks for being honest", she says walking away. "where you going", I say going after her. "I just need to go for a walk, get some fresh air", she says opening the front door. "no please y/n, can I come with you", I ask. "I'd rather go alone", she says. "see you later", she says and walks away. I close the door. "shit, Cam is a motherfucker", I shout. I grab my phone. I text y/n, 'please know it wasn't anything bad, I love you, see you later xx'. I open my chat to Cam. I text him, 'you won't get away with it'.

It was 12am and y/n still hadn't come back. I was ringing her phone and she wasn't picking up. "fuck", I said. I rang again and this time she finally answered. "y/n", I say. "Hailee", she says slurring her words. "where are you", I ask. "uh, I'm not sure, somewhere I guess", she says laughing slurring her words. "are you drunk", I ask annoyed. "what no, okay maybe just a little, or a lot, depends on your perspective", she laughs. "what's the name of the bar", I ask. "uh, I think, Flanagans or something", she says. "stay there", I say.

I get into my car and drive off quickly. I pull up outside the bar and park my car. I go inside and look around and can't see her anywhere. I check the toilets and sure enough there she was washing her hands. "y/n, oh my god", I say. She turns around. "oh hey my l...", she stops herself. "sorry Hailee", she says laughing. "where have you been, I've been ringing you for the last 2 hours", I say giving her a hug. "I've been here but my phone died so I had to ask for a charger", she says. "we are leaving", I say as I grab her hand. "what no why", she argues. "cause its getting late and you've had a little too much", I say. She hesitates but I get her out of the bar and into the car.

I'm driving us home. "was this all because of what I told you earlier", I ask. "no, I just got lost on the way back and found a bar, one drink won't hurt", she says. "but one drink too many will", I say. "ah its grand, I gave you some space so you could see Cam again", she says annoyed. "y/n, how many times do I have to tell you it's not like that, don't you trust me", I ask. "of course I do, I just find it weird", she says.

We get home and I put my arm around y/n to walk her to the door. We get in and I help y/n upstairs. "go to the toliet, get your business done and then come back out", I say. She does as I say and then comes back out. We go to my bedroom and y/n runs to the bed and jumps on it and lies there. "goodnight", she says. I laugh. "y/n, you have to get changed", I say. She nods her head slowly and closes her eyes. "y/n", I say loudly. She jolts back up. She stands up. I take her top and trousers off and put on her pyjamas. "now you can go to bed", I say. She jumps back into the bed and pulls the blanket over her. "wait there I'm going to get a bucket in case you hurl", I say. "you have a hurl", she says excited. "what, what's a hurl", I ask. "nevermind", she says. I go downstairs and get a bucket and come back up. By the time I get back, she is fast asleep. I look at her and smile. I take out my phone and take a picture. "she's my drunken mess", I say to myself. I get into bed next to her and snuggle up to her. "I love you", I say.

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