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Hailee's POV

Y/n could barely move her shoulder, took her a second to move it just enough above her head for me to be able to take her t-shirt off. I took it off and she let out a sigh. "are you okay? “, I ask." I'll be grand, I'll be over it within a shower", she jokes. "how are you going to shower if you can barely move your shoulder? “, I say joking back." bollox, didn't think of that, ah well, be grand anyway", she says. "lie down so I can put the cream on", I say. "sure". Y/n lies down on her stomach and it is then that I see a scar on her lower back. I start to rub the cream on her shoulder. I can feel how toned up she is. "I can feel where the problem is, do you want me to do something that might help, my Dad taught me", I ask. "I'll do anything at this point I can't carry this injury anymore", she replies. "okay I'm done with the cream, but this might hurt for a few minutes but after you should feel better", I say. "go for it", she says. "okay relax your shoulders and stay as still as possible, ready? “. I press into her shoulder and move in an o shape. She let's out a small squeal and grabs the pillow case again with her other hand. I continue for a few minutes and then finish off." oh my god wait, that feels good",she says. "told you", I say smiling. She gets up from the bed and extends her arm. "wow I can move my arm, thank you", she says. "let me put the tape on it, will do even better". Y/n turns around and stands straight. I put the tape on from top of her shoulder to the bottom. "can I ask you something? “, I say." sure". "what's that scar on your back?", I ask and I run my finger over it. "that's emm, well, I was protecting another girl well trying to from her drunk boyfriend and he pushed me into a railing and I got a bad cut",she says. "thats horrible, was she one of your friends"?, I ask. Y/n turns around to face me. "nope I didn't know her I was just walking home, but they caught him and he's in prison now", she says. "jeez I'm sorry, I didn't know it was......". "it's okay, it's a pretty visible scar, I can't hide it", she says sadly. "it's nothing to be ashamed off", I say reassuring her. "I know, when I see it, it reminds me that I helped someone else when they really needed it",she says. "also cool tattoo, I dig it", I say. "that was as sore as a bitch, but I love it, also I just realised I'm only wearing a bra and no top so...", she says. "oh shit sorry", I say as I turn around. "no, it's fine I just forgot". "thank you so much Hailee".

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