Thirtee One

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Your POV

I had just been relaxing and watching Netflix for the past few days, just keeping to myself. I had deep cleaned my room, felt so good after. I had been at the gym everyday and gone for a run everyday. I also had been writing a song. I have just felt a little lost without Hailee, after seeing her everyday for almost 6 weeks to texting her, it was a change. Although we did facetime a few times I wanted her to enjoy her time off. I had also spoken to Felix and few times, I'm so glad I had a friend in him.
I went out for an evening jog. I left when the sun was setting and by the time I was back the sun had set. The view was lovely every time, I lived just near the mountains but close enough to the village, was perfect. I came in the door. "I'm home", I shouted. No one answered me. I checked around. I walked into the kitchen and there was a note for me on the table. 'gone out for some dinner with your Mam, be back later on'. I shrugged to myself. "free gaff", I said to myself. I went upstairs and went for a shower. After a run I usually sweat a lot. A quick body shower though. I dry myself with a towel and put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket on the way out. I start singing stay to myself as I walk to my room. I open the door and walk over to my wardrobe. I take out some pyjamas. As I close the wardrobe I see the reflection of a figure sitting on my bed. I scream and turn around barely holding onto my towel. "Hailee jesus what the fuck, you scared me, what are you doing here", I say. "it's good to see you too", she says laughing. "it's wonderful but shit you scared me, who let you in", I ask. "Bernie", she smiles. "mam knew and didn't tell me", I say surprised. "I asked her not to tell you", she says walking over to me. "it's a nice and scary surprise", I say. "put your clothes on, I'll be back in a minute", Hailee says.
Hailee leaves the room and I get changed quickly. I'm still confused as to why she is here. Shouldn't she be away, time off. Hailee knocks on the door. "come in", I say. Hailee walks in and closes the door after her. I give her a hug. "it's so good to see you, it's only been a week but", I say. "you too y/n, I've missed you", she says. "why are you here, shouldn't you be in Italy or at home", I ask. "I'm flying home in two days, I just had to see you before I went home", Hailee says. "how do you know where I live", I ask. "well you signed it in your contract firstly and then I asked your 'Mam' aswell", she says smiling. "ha Bernie", I say. I sit down on my bed. "I need to talk to you about something y/n, it's important", Hailee says. "did I do something wrong", I ask. "no no not at all", Hailee says as she sits next to me on the bed. "okay shoot", I say. "remember that night we had", Hailee says. "ill never forget it", I say smiling. "me neither, it was amazing, I just need to tell you otherwise I'll regret not telling you", she says. "you are scaring me what's going on", I say worried. "that night meant a lot to me, it really did, I wanted it to happen, and I know you did too, basically what I'm trying to say is I can't stop thinking about you y/n, no matter how hard I try, I can't, I wasn't sure of what I was feeling but it's cause I was scared, okay, yes I was scared, but since the day we've met I've thought about you all the time, I can't stop", Hailee says. I blush a little. This was all I've ever wanted to hear. "Hailee", I say. "wait, I'm not done, I like you y/n, I like you a lot, as much as I wanted to keep it professional, I can't my feelings are too strong, so there I've told you now", Hailee says. I sit there quietly for a second. "well, say something please", she begs. "Hailee, you've made the happiest I've ever been in just 6 weeks, you've completely made me a better person, listen, I feel the exact same", I say.

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