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There was a time long ago that the interplanetary relations of our galaxy were far different than we now know them to be. There has only been one time in all of history that a Gervalian man, who unknowingly helped create the life we live today, had his name spoken - not out of admiration, but rather out of fear. This man's name was Aerin, and his power demanded the enigmatic respect it received, for it was driven by his ferocity and hellbent pursuit for revenge.

The legacy I am about to divulge to you traces his path from the first significant event that led to his downward spiral towards chaos to the very day he became the unintended hero. If you were to witness him face-to-face, you wouldn't have thought his story started with happiness; it was unremarkable. His parents had made sure to provide him the stress-free environment he needed to succeed by raising him with compassion, love, and orderliness. Unfortunately, the events that played out did not allow the continuation of his stress-free lifestyle.

The Gervalians are a powerful race of humanoids that have a potential to be extremely dangerous if stress is introduced before they are properly nurtured passed their naturally volatile state. Unfortunately, he was forced to face debilitating levels of sadness and anguish during and beyond that crucial time period. His suffering led to the paving of a legacy that will forever be a gash in Andromeda's history. Aerin will never be forgotten.

Legacy of Aerin - OriginationWhere stories live. Discover now