Chapter 8 - No Turning Back

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Aerin, zipping past trees and tiring fast from the starvation diet, tripped and fell to the ground as his leg muscles faltered.

No... please... I can't be arrested.

Aerin tried to pull himself up but his arms were weak, crumpling beneath him. His breath, labored and difficult to slow, neared the point of being likened to hyperventilation. Aerin noticed a large boulder nearby.

I need to crawl behind there at least until I can catch my breath.

With every grasp at the ground, Aerin inched towards the rock. His movements were slowing as his exhaustion further hindered his progress.
The peaceful sounds of chirping birds came into focus. The sun, fast approaching the horizon, glowed a soft orange. There weren't any discernible sounds nearby from the ill-affected citizens Aerin fled from.

Aerin was having a difficult time keeping his eyelids parted as he became overwhelmed by an urge to pass out. His stomach wrenched and jaw tensed, as his salivary glands went into overdrive. He rolled onto his side as a thick white substance shot from his mouth. Aerin was unaware that he had been in shock.

That was gross, why is it white?! Ewww.

Aerin rolled back onto his stomach and laid there for a few moments.

There was so much I wanted to talk to her about. I just wanted for life to go back to normal. I lost both of my parents. What am I supposed to do now? I just killed so many people. I have nowhere to go. I have no one to help me. How will I keep myself from being arrested or killed? This is so unfair! All I wanted was to have my mom back. I lost control of my emotions and killed her too. I wanted to protect her. They were trying to kill her. What else was I supposed to do?! This just isn't fair at all! I need to find somewhere safe to rest. Please work with me body. I don't want to die.

Aerin grappled with his arms as he hoisted himself onto his hands and knees. He took a deep breath and lunged himself upright. Clambering to his feet he struggled to maintain his balance as he fought his way to behind the large boulder. His pace was sluggish and arduous. After getting behind the boulder he plopped down and rested against it. He closed his eyes and drifted off.
It seemed like only a blink to Aerin as he opened his eyes, but he woke up to the sky darkening.

Oh no! Did I fall asleep!? I need to find shelter fast.

Aerin clambered to his feet, disoriented, and proceeded as fast as he could to find a suitable place to sleep.

Soon after nightfall, he came across a large rock formation adorning an overhang. Aerin gather up some fallen tree branches and laid the ends against the rock face. After grabbing enough branches he laid down under the shelter he created and stared up at the star filled sky through the tree tops.

Tears trickled down Aerin's cheeks as he replayed his mother's fateful moment. He knew there was nothing that could undo his reverse his mother's death. He felt that he was now on his own with no one to turn to.

I need to find out who those people were. They had an agenda against Gervalians for some reason. The least I can do is try to prevent more Gervalians from experiencing the same fate as I had experienced. They deserve to be respected and left alone. I need to get some help though. I can't do this alone. Maybe there will be some helpful people in Acvra Sill. Ugh, I need to eat. I am so hungry. It's too late now. I will find something to eat in the morning.

The morning air was brisk and unpleasant. Having nothing but the clothes on his back made sleeping difficult. His backpack had been used as a pillow when he had last been in the forest. The sounds of morning brought a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. Aerin sat up and peered through the branches he had setup for shelter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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