Chapter 7 - Ensnared

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The door slammed shut behind Aerin as he stumbled in, managing to keep his footing. The room Aerin was thrusted into was dimly lit and smelled of mold and mildew. There was a metal table situated in the middle with a chair on either side.

"Sit down." a harsh and deep voice commanded from an overhead speaker across the room.

Aerin chose not to move. "I don't belong he..."

"Sit down or we will force you to. It's your choice, boy."

Aerin continued to remain where he stood. "Please let me go. I didn't ..."

An intense burning sensation shot through Aerin's body. Letting out a sordid yell as his joints buckled, Aerin fell sideways to the ground, impacting his shoulder before splaying out on his back.  His muscles spasmed as he lay there groaning. It took several seconds for the convulsions to stop and for his limbs to respond again. Aerin grasped at the collar and tried to force it open.

What in the hell was that?! Did that come from the thing around my neck?! It hurt a lot. I want out of here. These people are trying to kill me!

"Now, let's try again. Sit down."

Aerin, giving up on his attempt to remove the collar, struggled to remain upright as he climbed to his feet. He made his way to the chair and plopped down.

"Good boy. We will shock you again the next time you try to remove the device around you neck."

"Why am I here?"

The voice from the speaker did not respond. Another buzz and clack filled the room. A door opened, from which three men advanced into the room. The first, holding a clipboard and wearing a pristine white coat sat across from Aerin. The other two, who were holding batons and dressed in black attire, stood on either side of the doorway. The man seated across from Aerin set the clipboard down on the table and grasped a pen, ready to write.

I should have never snuck into the library. How stupid can I be?! I can't believe this. If I hadn't been so reckless, I'd still be safe. I should have never disrespected Kilobi. I am a terrible person. Maybe I deserve this.

"Name?" inquired the man in the white coat, peering at Aerin over his spectacles. "If I have to ask one more time, you will be electrocuted again, do you understand?"

Aerin had not noticed the man had asked for his name two times already.






Another burning feeling shot through his body. This time it felt as if his muscles were ensnared in metal vices that were tightened to near the point of their own mechanical failure. Aerin gasping for air, let out a louche and muffled howl. Collapsing forward from his weakened joints, he smacked his head against the table top. The sound of the impact resonated in the room.

The man grimaced and sighed before sneering at Aerin. "Do not lie, Aerin. We required you to be truthful."

The searing sensation ceased after a few moments. Aerin, breathing heavy, situated himself upright again. Blood dripped from his brow. Aerin glanced at the two men next to the open door as he fidgeted.

That hurt! My head is killing me now. Why am I here?! Why are they doing this to me?! Why do they want to know my race?! That man said all Gervalians deserve no respect and should be wiped out. I can't even lie to save my life! I need to get out of here!

The man cleared his throat, "Race?"

"Gervalian, " Aerin groaned while trying to catching his breath.

The man in the white coat turned to the two men in black. "Take him to cell block GP-14. He will remain in solitary confinement for twelve days. Only three hundred calories a day is permissible for that time period. Once the twelve days are up, his intake will need to be increased to seventeen hundred calories per day. His ultimate placement will be laundry and lavatory duties."

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