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It's completely dark outside as I turned to 'Valentine's Day' one of the chapters of 'Wonder'. I got a little tired of reading so I grabbed the bookmark and put it in the book. I closed the cover of the book and put it down on the table. I looked out the dark window as I heard footsteps making their way up the steps. I took a big breath before I looked to see Blaine making his way over to me. 

"Hey, you ready to head home?" He asked. I gave him a small smile before I put my book in my backpack. I zipped the bag up before I got up from the chair. I put my bag on my back before I followed walked over to Blaine. He gave me a small smile before we made our way to the front door. 

The second I stepped out of the door a gun went off. I yelped as I looked at Blaine. Before anything was said Blaine grabbed me and pushed me back into the funeral home. He closed the door and paused me to the downstairs stairs. The two of us rushed down the stairs. "Where's the fire?" Don E asked before he saw me and Blaine. "Shit, what happened?" He asked. "Someone is outside with a gun," Blaine said when I got off of the last step. 

Blaine walked in front of me. I looked to see that he is bleeding. I started to freak out. I guess Julian saw this. He walked over to me and hugged me. I didn't hug him back. "It's okay. Why don't you go sit down?" Julian asked as he let go of me. I looked at him before looking back at Blaine. 

He looked at me to see my scared and or worried expression. "I'm okay, kiddo. Why don't you just sit down and draw me something? Can you do that?" Blaine asked. I slowly nodded my head before I walked over to an open table. I took my bag off and put it on the table. I pulled out my sketchbook and my container of color pencils. I put them on the table before I took my bag and put it on the floor. 

I looked over at Blaine. He was whispering to Julian and Don E. Trying to figure out what happened. I turned around and opened my sketchbook to a new clean page. I opened up the container of color pencils. 

I then knew what I was going to draw. I grabbed a color pencil before I started to draw on the page that is open. I couldn't stand the silence so I put the pencil down before grabbing my bag. I put my bag in my lap before I pulled out my new phone and earbuds. I put my bag back down on the floor. 

I turned my phone on and opened it to Youtube. An app that I downloaded on my phone after I read for a little bit. I plugged the earbuds in before I put them in my ears. I looked back at Blaine, Don E, and Julian before I went back to my phone. I put on one of my favorite songs before I picked up the pencil that I started to use. 

I looked at the page before I started to draw again. My foot bounced with the beat of the song that I was listening to. 'Here comes the boom' by Nelly is playing. With the music and the pencils drawing on the paper, everything around me started to slip out of my mind. I got pulled into the world of music and colorful lead.


I felt a tap on my shoulder making me look over. That's when I saw Blaine. I took out one of my earbuds so I can hear him. "Are you ready to head home?" Blaine asked. I looked up at him before I put the color pencils that I was using back in it's case. "Wow, that is amazing." Blaine said as he saw my drawing. 

I thanked him as I grabbed my backpack

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I thanked him as I grabbed my backpack. I turned my music off and took my other earbud out, setting it on the table. I closed my sketchbook before putting it and the pencil case into my backpack. "Is it safe outside?" I asked him as I unplugged my earbuds and put them in my bag. I zipped the bag up before putting it on my back. I got up from the chair. I grabbed my phone and put it into my pocket. 

Blaine gave me a small smile before the two of us walked over ot the back door. "Bye, Annabell." Julian said as we got to the door. I waved at him before walking through the back door.  I then looked to see Blaine's car there waiting for us. The two of us climbed into the car. I yawned as I felt too tired to move anymore. I buckled my seat belt and made sure that the door was closed. 

Blaine turned the car on as I slowly closed my eyes. I took deep breaths as I fell asleep to the feeling of the motor. I felt calm, I felt as if there was not a care in the world. I guess that's what sleeping can do to something. 

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