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I sighed as I watched Blaine's car drive away from the school. I'm not ready for school, but I guess I have no choice. I looked to see if I can still see Blaine's car, but when I couldn't I walked into the school and to the office. Thankfully, when I came to take my test.....I remember where to go. Well, I know where the office is.

 "Hey, hun. Nice to see you again. So, here is a list of all the clubs that you could join and here is your class schedule." The lady said as she handed me two pieces of paper. I gave her a small smile as I grabbed them from her. I thanked her before I made my way out of the office. I looked around at the other kids before I looked at my schedule.

1. Creative Writing- Mrs. White

2. Drawing- Mrs. Pepper3. Journalism- Mr. White4. Painting- Mr. PepperLunch5. 3D art- Mrs. Pepper6. Forensic Science- Mr. Green7. Mythology- Mrs. Rink

I looked to see my locker number. I looked at the closets locker to see that I still have a long way to go, in order to find my locker. I looked down at the schedule, trying to remember the locker number that I was looking for. I ran into someone, since I wasn't looking up. The second I ran into them, I looked up and appolligzed to whoever it was. That's when I saw who it was. 

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention." the kid I ran into said. "I'm Jake, you must be the new kid." he said. "Yup, that's me. The new kid." I said. "Can I help you find something? Maybe a classroom or your locker." He asked me. 

"I'm looking for my locker." I answered. "May I?" He asked as he guestered towards my schedule. I looked at him before I handed it to him. He looked over my classes before looking at the locker number. "Your locker is right across from mine. You can follow me." he said. He handed me my schedule before walking down on of the halls. 


My first four classes went by super slow. It feels as if nothing could make this day go any faster. I'm now sitting at a table with a tray that has a slice of pizza, an apple, and a bottle of water. I'm the only one sitting at the table. Since it's hard for me to talk to new people, I haven't talked to much of the other students. Only when I had to. 

I took a bite of the pizza as someone sat down at the table with me. I looked at the person who sat down at the table with me. "Hi, you must be Annabell. I'm Rosie." the girl said as she held her hand out. I looked at her in confusion. "Not much of a talker are you. Well, that's okay. We can still be good friends." Rosie said before she started to eat the pizza that is on her tray. I looked at the bold teenager in front of me. 

She has shoulder length dyed red hair with raven roots popping out, tan skin, and greyish blue eyes. I mean she does look like she's confident and she most definelty is. "I like your hair by the way. Shows how bold you are. Not a lot of people look and or are okay with white/shiver hair." Rosie said. I kept my eye on her before I started to eat my pizza slice. 

"So, is there a nickname that you might prefer?" Rosie asked me. I looked at her. "Or do you not have one?" She asked. "Second one." I said. "So, you what's your full name? Maybe I can come up with a good nickname for you." Rosie said. I looked at her. She kept on eating, waiting for me to answer her. 

"Annabell Jane McDonough." I answered. She smile at me. "AJ it is." she said, proud of the new nickname that she had just come up with. 

"Hey, look the loser made friends with the ex con." a voice said making me look over to who was talking to us and man she looks fake or someone who looks desprate to have everyone like her so she makes fun of people for pouplatiy. There was someone like that facility just like her. 

"What do you want, Grace?" Rosie asked the girl. The girl, who I now know to be Grace looks as fake as she is. She has past the shoulder dirty blonde hair, nut brown eyes and what looks to be fake tan skin. Maybe it's spray on. Kind of like Blaine's, but Blaine's spray tan skin looks like normal tan skin. Kind of like my skin, but my skin is real tan....not like Blaine's skin. 

"Can't I meet the newest addition to the school. The ex convict." Grace said as she looked at me. "And what's with the white hair?" Grace asked. "I think her hair looks cool. Now you can go now." Rosie said. 

"Whatever, see you losers around." Grace said before she walked away from the table. "Don't listen to her. What classes do you have next?" Rosie asked once Grace was far away from the table we are at. I looked at her before I grabbed my schedule. I grabbed it to her. "Hey, we have 3d art with each other, I don't have forensic science, but I do have mythology with you." Rosie said before she handed me schedule back. 

I put it in my pocket before my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket before looking to see why if went off. That's when I saw Don E texted me. Why would he text me when I'm at school? I opened my phone and looked to see what Don E wanted. 

Don E: blaine will not be able 2 pick u up after school. jessie will pick u up and bring you home. 

I rolled my eyes at Don E's spelling. I turned my phone off and was about to put it in my pocket when Rosie stopped me. "Hey, can I have your number?" I gave her a look. "Not in the way you might think. I want your number so we can talk. So we can be friends." Rosie said. I gave her a look before I unlocked my phone. I handed it to Rosie with hesitation. I slowly took a bites of pizza. "Here you go." Rosie said as she handed me my phone back. I grabbed my phone and looked down at the screen. 

She was true to her word. She put her name and number down in my contacts. I turned my phone off and slid it into my pocket. "Now you can text me any time and we can be good friends." Rosie said. I gave her a look before I kept on eating. Maybe being here is not going to be so bad. 

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