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*Time skip*

I looked out of the window. The sky is filled with grey clouds. Clouds that look like it's about to rain. The book 'Wonder' is laying in my lap, open to a chapter that is very close to the end of the book. My hands are holding the book open so I don't lose the page that I am on. A knock on the door made me look over at the door of my room to see Blaine standing there. "Hey, you okay?" Blaine asked me. 

I nodded my head as I grabbed my bookmark and put it in the book. I closed the book and looked back up at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just find these days depression." I said. Blaine nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, they are, aren't they. Hey, I was thinking......would you like a pet?" Blaine bluntly asked. 

"Why?" I asked, confused why he asked me in the first place. "Well, I just thought that you might want a pet," Blaine said. "I thought about it. "What kind of pet are we talking about, what kind of pet?" I asked. He gave me a look. 

"Well, any kind I guess. But no spiders. I draw a line at spiders." Blaine said. I couldn't help but smile at Blaine. "What, do you not like spiders?" I asked. Blaine nodded his head as a small smile spread across his face. "So, do you have an idea of what kind of pet you would like?" Blaine asked. "Well, I have always wanted a bearded dragon," I said as I crossed my legs. "Bearded dragon uh. That I am okay with. Where do you think you would put the tank?" Blaine asked. I looked around the room. 

"Well, I can put it right by my desk," I said. Blaine smiled at me. "Great, so. How about we go and get a tank for the bearded dragon? We can get it today and tomorrow before school you can get the bearded dragon." Blaine said. A smile spread across my face as I got up from my reading chair. I walked over to my desk. I put my book on my desk before I followed Blaine out of my room and down the stairs. "What do bearded dragons even eat?" Blaine asked as we made our way out of the house and to his car. 

I thought about it. "I think they eat sweet potatoes, bell peppers, kale, parsley, crickets, king worms, waxworms, earthworms, cockroaches, silkworms, mealworms, figs, watermelon, apples, mangos, papaya, peaches, apricots, plums, pears, kiwi, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, raisins, peas, green beans, cabbage, and dandelions," I answered as I climbed into the passenger side of the car. 

I closed the door and looked for Blaine. "How did you know all that?" Blaine asked. I smiled at him. "What can I say, I like bearded dragons," I answered. Blaine smiled at me before we drove away from the house. "I guess you have a point there," Blaine said. I looked out the window, a little happier than before. 

"You know, I have never had a pet before," I said to Blaine. "Not even one," Blaine said. "Nope, I have never been in a home that has a pet in it or I have never been allowed to have a pet. I've spent most of my life in the facility and none of my foster parents allowed me to have one." I replied. 

Blaine looked over at me before looking back at the road. "Well, now you can have one. After buying the tank we will also have to buy a table to put the tank on." Blaine said. I smiled at him before looking back out the window. 

"You know, I have never had a pet either. So I guess now out of you and me.....you will be the first." Blaine said as we pulled up to a pet store. I started to get so happy that I started to jump in my seat. Blaine chuckled when he saw me. "Alright, calm down. Let's head inside and get what we need for the tank or cage or whatever a bearded dragon lives in." Blaine said. I smiled as I unbuckled and opened the door. 

I climbed out of the car, closing the door the second I got out. The smile on my face vanished when I saw the white-haired lady from Rachel's house and the detective that put me in the facility. "What's up?" Blaine asked as he walked over to me. 

He looked in the direction that I was. "Can those two ever take a hint? Come on, let's get inside and get what we need for a bearded dragon." Blaine said. I looked at him than at the two who are looking at us. I sighed as I walked to the door of the pet store. 


"Alright, I think that should do it," Blaine said as he helped me set up a heat lamp. I put the last of the finishing touches on the inside of the cage. "Are you done with the inside of the cage?" Blaine asked me. I looked at the inside, debating whether or not to move a few things around. "I think so, but I'm not one hundred percent sure about it," I said with a  tilt of the head. Blaine bent down and looked at it. "I think it's perfect. No need to change the inside." Blaine said. I nodded my head as I looked at the inside of the cage. 

(She does not have the bearded dragon yet and it is on a table, not on the floor

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(She does not have the bearded dragon yet and it is on a table, not on the floor.)

"Blaine, why were those people staring at us? The white-haired lady and the cop." I asked "Well, they think I'm a bad person. That's why they were staring. That or they are jealous that I have the best daughter in the world." Blaine said. He gently nudged me, making me smile. "You are just saying that because I'm your daughter now," I said. "No, I'm saying that because it's true," Blaine said. I smiled at him as I looked at the cage. 

"So, do you have any names for when we bring the dragon home?" Blaine asked. "Well, if it's a girl....Medusa and if it's a boy....Marvel." I answered. Blaine looked at me before looking at the cage. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie? You can pick." Blaine asked me. I smiled at him before nodding my head. "Sure," I said. He smiled before he picked me up and threw me other his shoulder. I giggled as he walked out of my room and down the stairs. 

He chuckled as we got to the living room. He carefully threw me onto the couch like a sack of potatoes before sitting down next to me. He grabbed the remote and turned it on. He then started to look at the movies. "How about 'Game Plan'?" Blaine asked me. "Sure," I answered. 

Blaine wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me close to him. I smiled at him as he put the movie on. He put the remote next to him as the movie started. 

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