You were walking out of the school yard when you bumped into Mikey. "Hey y/n-chin we were just coming to get you".
"Why?" you asked rubbing your forehead. "Some idiot is using Toman's name to run an underground fight club" draken said looking at Mikey.
"Oh ok let's go then" you said while walking. Draken walked in front of you and Mikey. They got on their bikes and you sat on Mikey's bike while.
After awhile of riding we got to a stop. "We're here". We all got off the bikes and began to walk over to a crowd.
"Mikey can I have a dorayaki?" you asked while looking at him. "Hmm how about no" he said while eating another one. "Whyyyy?". "Well I don't know maybe because you hid my snacks last week!".
You tried to snatch the bag of dorayaki out of his hand. He pushed you away and lifted the bag up in the air. You tried jumping for it but everytime you jumped he jumped as well.
"You two knock it off or I'll take the dorayaki away from you". You both stopped jumping and pouted. "Your no fun Ken-chin" Mikey said and you nodded in agreement.
Mikey broke a dorayaki in half an bit both halves and stuffed it in your mouth "Now stop asking". You looked away and continued walking.
"You've drawn quite the crowd" draken said walking ahead of us. "You sure are worked up ain'tcha even though you're the host".
"A blond braid and a dragon tattoo on his temple..."
"No freaking way!?"
"That's the vice-president of the Tokyo Mangi Gang!!"
"Ryuguji Ken also known as Draken!"
"Hey hey Ken-chin?" Mikey said. "Hah!? Don't call me by that nickname Mikey at least when we're in public" draken responded. "All my dorayaki is gone" Mikey said waving his hand around. "Yeah and I'm hungry" you said.
"The hell is up with those two?"
"Can't they read the atmosphere of this place at all".
"President Good Work!!"
"It's the Invincible Mikey the leader of Toman"
Damn they forgot about me how sad!
"I'm with the 3rd Division I'm Akaishi"
Damn he just walked passed you
"You're in the way... Mikey doesn't talk to guys he's not interested in" draken said while walking.
Damn draken you could've sugarcoat it a bit.
"Good work" kiyomasa said.
"Kiyomasa...who died and made you king?" draken asked while kicking kiyomasa in the stomach.
You put your hand over your mouth trying your best not to laugh. Draken glared at you. You took the opportunity to run closer to Mikey.
"What's your name?" Mikey asked some random guy. "Hanagaki Takemichhi."the guy responded.
Where did I hear that name from oh yeah we go to the same school.
"I see Takemitchy" Mikey said looking at the guy. "Huh?". "Takemitchy that's what Mikey said so that's what it is". draken said.
Mikey squatted and lifted Takemitchy's head. "Are you really a middle schooler?". "Takemitchy from today onward, you're my friend!!". "Wait so that means I'm not your friend anymore how sad" you said while pouting.
Mikey got up and walked away to kiyomasa "are you the one who organized this fighting ring?". "Yes" right after he answered Mikey kicked him then beat the living hell out of him.
"Now then shall we go home Ken-chin, y/n-chin?". "Underground fights are stupid" Mikey said walking away. "Don't do things to ruin Toman's name" draken warned.
"See you later Takemitchy" Mikey said.
We walked away from the place. "Y/n-chin let's go to your place". "No" you said while walking away. "Why not oh wait is it because I ignored you?".
He ran infront of me "You're still my friend but if you want I can make you more than that~". "Hey you two done yet we gotta go".
We went to my place and talked for awhile then the boys left. You went to your room and laid down on your bed.
If you want I can make you more than that.
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