You were walking around school because you're bored. You turned the corner and heard some girls talking about some hot third year. You just rolled your eyes because you know that all the third years are far from attractive.
You were walking pass Takemitchy when you heard some laughing and talking. "What's going on in here?" you asked walking into the classroom. All the attention went to you. "Y/n-chan" Takemitchy said shaking. You looked at the board.
That looks like some stalker shit. "So how you doing y/n" you looked behind you and saw a guy who looked familiar. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" you asked looking confused. He pulled his collar down and showed you his tattoo.
You blinked twice just to make sure you weren't seeing things. "Kazutora" you said hugging him. "No more kazu?" He asked tilting his head. You giggled at his actions "I missed you".
He gave you a head pat and smiled. "I know you did" he said while holding your hand. "Takemitchy let's go I want to show you something" kazutora said taking you out of the room.
You guys walked for awhile until you reached an abandoned arcade. You saw a headless angel symbol symbol painted on the wall. You stopped walking. "Y/n what's wrong are you not coming in?" kazutora asked looking at you.
"If I'm not wrong this is Valhalla's hideout" you said looking at the symbol. "Nothing ever gets pass you does it" he said giggling. He dragged you inside and Takemitchy followed behind. The place was all misty.
You locked eyes on Baji and looked at what he was doing. "What's going on here?" Takemitchy asked. "It's a test of faith" kazutora said smiling. Baji stood up and took his hair out of the ponytail.
"How did I do hanma?" He asked looking at hanma. You looked at the guy who Baji was punching and realized it was Chifuyu. Kazutora told Takemitchy about the test of faith. "Kazutora!!" Hanma said while standing up.
"Yeah?" kazutora asked looking at him. "You ready?" hanma asked. Kazutora looked at Takemitchy "Yup this guy is Takemitchi Hanagaki Toman's newest member". "You're Hanagaki? Step forward!" Hanma said standing in front of takemitchy. "It's you from before you come here to be killed or something?" Baji asked.
You were walking over to Chifuyu when someone grabbed your arm. "Your Mikey's girl ain't ya?" Hanma asked looking at you. "Yeah she is so leave her alone she's very loyal to him" Baji said looking at you.
"Let's make her unloyal then" hanma said smirking. You tried to pull your arm out of his grip but the grip only tightened. Hanma pulled you closer to him. His face was inches away from yours.
Before you could do anything he kissed you. You looked at him with wide eyes. You tried to pull away but his grip only got strong. "Woah your lips are soft" hanma said pulling away.
You put the back of your hand on your lips. You ran out of the hideout and to your apartment. You walked into your bathroom and started wash out your mouth. "What's wrong y/n-chin why are washing out your mouth?".
You turned around and saw Mikey looking confused. "It's nothing I just ate something bad" you lied. He hummed and walked off. "Wait what are you doing here?" you asked following him.
"I went to your school and you weren't there so I came here to see if you were at home" he said sitting on the couch. You nodded and went to change. "Let's watch a movie" you said sitting down next to him. "Sure" he laid his head on your lap.
"Y/n-chin did something happen you're not acting like yourself?" He asked looking at you. "Nothing happened" you lied looking at him. "You know I can tell when you're lying" he said seriously.
You were hesitant about whether to tell him or not. "Y/n-chin please tell me what happened" he asked looking into your eyes. "Hanma kissed me" you said looking away. You felt Mikey sit up and turned you to face him.
He kissed you and you kissed him back. "Your not mad?" you asked pulling away. "Oh I'm mad alright" he said looking at you. You were silent "What matters is that you told me the truth and obviously I'm a better kisser than him" he said smiling.
You just smiled at him. "Am I unloyal if I let him kiss me?" you asked looking at the floor. "Not really but it would be if we were dating" he said looking at you.
"Let's finish the movie" he said laying down on your lap. You nodded and continued the movie. You fell asleep on the couch. Mikey got up and carried you to the bedroom and laid down with you.

It Started With A Dare {COMPLETED}
FanfictionIt's started with a dare that Emma gave you when you were younger not knowing what happens later. Contains Manga Spoilers!!