It's been a week since the fight with Valhalla and baji's death. You were running around the mall with Emma and Hina. "Well we bought alot of stuff" Hina said looking at the bags.
"Don't worry I'll pay for it" you said taking out your brothers credit card. "Ok good because I was about to go broke" Emma said sighing. You paid for the stuff and then went to the food court.
After you guys ate you all went for a walk. "So what are you going to do for my birthday?" you asked looking at the sky. "Oh that's right your birthday is in a week" Hina said tapping her chin. You nodded and kept walking.
After awhile of shopping hinata went home and so did you and Emma. You put everything away and changed your clothes. You left and went to a cafe. "Y/n-chan you came" you smiled at him.
You guys ordered something to drink. "You know that we know that you have our credit card" Rindou said taking a sip of his drink. "I have no idea what you're talking about" you lied looking at him confused.
He just glared at you. After finishing up the drinks you guys went for a drive. You sighed knowing where you were. "You abducted your own sister" you said pretending to be hurt.
"No they were just following instructions" you looked back and saw Izana. You pouted as your brothers left. "Come inside it'll rain soon" Izana said pulling you inside.
"You missed me that much you had my brothers abduct me" you said walking over to him. He just smiled at you and pulled you into a hug. "Well I heard you were busy so I asked them to bring you" he said letting go of the hug.
"Anyways want to watch a movie or something?" He asked looking at you. "Sure I'm bored anyways" you said sitting down next to him. He laid your head down on his lap and stroked your hair.
After awhile of watching movies and talking to each other you got sleepy. You let out multiple small yawns. "Are you tired?" He asked stopping stroking your hair.
"Yeah I'm probably tired" you said closing your eyes a bit. "It's alright you can go to sleep" he said while looking down at you.
You nodded and soon fell asleep. Izana picked you up and carried you to a bed so you can sleep better. Izana sat down and watched you sleep. You were asleep for awhile.
You woke up 2 hours later. When you woke up you realized that you were in a bed. "Your awake" Rindou said looking at you. "Yeah why?" you asked letting out a yawn.
"Well boss said to take you home" ran said twirling his hair. "Well okay then" you laid back down and looked at the ceiling. You realized that you were in your brothers house.
"You can go back to sleep if you want" rindou said closing the door. You were still tired so you decided to stare at the ceiling until sleep took over.
While waiting for sleep to take over you couldn't stop thinking about what Kisaki said. "Two weeks from now it's your turn". Was I next?

It Started With A Dare {COMPLETED}
Hayran KurguIt's started with a dare that Emma gave you when you were younger not knowing what happens later. Contains Manga Spoilers!!