Will You

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You spent the next 5 days in the hospital. It was finally time for you to leave. "Finally I can leave" you said while changing your clothes. You threw the hospital gown on the floor.

"You can leave but you should take things easy so no school for the rest of the semester" Mikey said looking at you. "This is why you're my favorite but I also don't want to fail this semester" you said hugging him.

You let go of him and finished changing. You both left the hospital and went to your apartment. "Let's watch a movie" you said while walking over to your room. Mikey followed you.

"Oh right y/n-chin gramps said for you to visit him once you're out of the hospital" Mikey said laying on your bed. You laid down next to him. You guys watched the movie.

"Want to go now?" you asked staring at him. "Yeah and plus Emma and Ken-chin said that they'll make lunch" mikey's eyes sparkled with excitement. You both ran out of the apartment to his motorcycle.

You got on first making Mikey sit behind you. You drove off to the Sano house. "We're here!!" you both shouted. "Well it was peaceful while it lasted" draken said walking over to Mikey. "Welcome back" Emma said looking at you.

You went to visit gramps and talk to him. "So I heard you ended up in the hospital don't tell me you're trying to die before me" gramps let out a chuckle.

"No just some idiot trying to get rid of me but it takes more than bullets to kill me" you said smiling proudly at yourself.

"No manjiro and emma told me that you were on your death bed so obviously it takes bullets to kill you" you pouted at him.

"Y/n-chin lunch is ready" Mikey said entering the room. "Oh I'll bring up gramps food" Mikey said going for the food.

You got up and left after Mikey came back with the food. After you guys ate Mikey took you out for a drive. Once you guys arrived he held your hand and lead you to a flower field.

He walked off leaving you for awhile. He came back with a flower in his hand. "For you" he said while blushing. You took the flower and smiled at him. "Aww I didn't know you had a sweet side~"your words made him blush harder.

"Only for you though" he said smirking at you. You turned around to hide your blushing face. Mikey led you to a lake close by. He took off his shirt and got ready to jump in.

You touched the water "That's cold". Mikey ignored your comment and jumped in. "Woah that's cold" he said shaking his head. You rolled your eyes at him.

"Want to join?" he asked swimming towards you. He climbed out and handed you his shirt. "Take off your clothes and wear my shirt" you took it and did as told.

Mikey picked you up and threw you in the water. You swam up to the surface "Did you lose your mind?". He jumped in and splashed water all over the place. You both swam around and splashed each other for a while.

You climbed out and looked at Mikey. "Had fun?" He asked looking at you. "Yeah I did but why did you bring me here?" you asked looking for something to dry off with. Mikey handed you a towel "Easy to ask you a question".

You looked at the towel suspiciously. He rolled his eyes and placed it on your head. "Dry up or you'll get sick" he said while changing into dry clothes. You changed your clothes and followed Mikey. He stopped at a tree.

"Want to take a nap here?" mikey asked looking at you. You sat down and Mikey laid his head on your lap. You started to play with his hair. He looked at you "Will you be my girlfriend?".

You gave him a smile "Yes". Mikey wasted no time and kissed you. You kissed him back. It was a sweet and gentle kiss. He pulled away and looked you in the eyes. "I love you" you smiled at him. "I love you too" he leaned his head on your chest and smiled.

"Let's go to my apartment" you said looking at him. He nodded and drove off to your place. You went to your room and laid down on the bed. Mikey crawled over to you and fell asleep.

It Started With A Dare {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now