Fun and Games

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You woke up the next morning. You got up and took a shower. After taking a shower you changed into an outfit. You went to the kitchen and made breakfast.

"Damn what smells so good" ran asked wiping drool off his face. "I made breakfast" you said smiling. "Wait you can cook?" rindou asked shooked.

"Well how am I supposed to eat?". Rindou rolled his eyes and so did you. "Let's eat" ran said smiling at the food.

You all sat down and had breakfast. "It's official you're staying here with us" ran said chewing on his food. "Why?" you asked looking at him. He ignored your question and kept eating.

"Who do you cook for?" Rindou asked looking at you. "Me and sometimes some friends especially the midget" you said putting your plate in the sink. "Midget?" they both asked "Mikey".

"Wait are you two shirtless?" you asked looking at the two. "How do you know see that?" rindou asked looking at you in disbelief. "I don't know but what I do know is that you have cool tattoos" you said observing the tattoos.

"You want one?" rindou asked. You nodded "You'll get one when you're dead" he said smiling. "What... ran" you started "Nope he's right you'll get one when you're dead" he said while giving you a head pat.

I'll just get one when I'm not with you guys.

"Are you dating anyone?" ran asked. "Yes" you lied while smirking. "Eh who?" ran asked looking at you. "You know what don't answer the question we'll find them and break their bones" Rindou said walking to the bedrooms.

After awhile the three of you were playing cards. "I win!!" you cheered. "You only won because we went easy on you!" rindou said pinching his nose. "Nah you're just a loser and can't admit your younger sister is better than you" you said pretending to be sad.

"Don't try to act all sad and stuff it's disgusting" rindou said looking disgusted. "Well fu-" you were cut off by your brothers saying "Excuse me who taught you that!".


"No one" you lied looking away. "We'll let it slide just this once" rindou warned. You smirked "I bet you guys have the guts to break my bones!". "Well Mikey is around to punish you" ran said smirking.

"No he's not well not after I'm done with him" you smiled. "Just admit it you like Mikey don't you" you glared at them. "So what if I do" you pouted. "Awww y/n-chan has a crush" ran smiled. "Well I don't allow it" they said in union.

An idea popped up. "Well too bad we're already dating" you lied. The room fell silent "Umm you guys ok?". You waved your hands in front of their faces. Rindou looked at you "So you have a boyfriend?" you nodded.

"You are lying right?" Ran asked seriously. "Yeah so what?" you said smirking. Rindou walked out the room and made a phone call. "Let's watch some movies" ran said smiling. You guys watched movies until midnight.

"Let's play some games" you said fighting the urge to yawn. "Alright let's bet on how long y/n-chan will stay awake" ran chuckled. "Probably one more hour" Rindou said playing with a strand of his hair. Before ran said anything they heard snoring. "She's joking right?" ran asked.

They carried you to your room and covered you. "Looks like no one won the bet" rindou said yawning. "Yeah looks so".

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