sixty-four: expensive wine*

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Lucia let out a squeal of laughter as Tom pulled her after him down the halls, their fingers intertwined in a way she hoped would never cease.

She almost ran into him as he stopped abruptly, swinging her to against the stone wall and pressing his body onto hers. He pinned her hands above her head, fingers sliding against each other as he leant down to taste her lips.

The kiss was slow and sweet, as if indulging in an expensive wine. Small sips and coating the palette.

He'd take the taste of her over expensive wine any day.

Tom held both her wrists with one hand, bringing the other to cup her jaw as his mouth worked its way down her neck. Her pulse thudded under his lips, and he had the brief thought that it wouldn't take much more than a bite to pierce the paper thin skin.

The sound of approaching footsteps led him to detach from her, swollen lips smiling as he set off again with her trailing behind him.

Their footsteps echoed as they ran, and he was surprised Lucia hadn't taken her heels off yet.

The password to the Slytherin common room hardly passed his lips before he was pulling her into the dungeons.

The soft green glow was only seen by Lucia in passing, because she was led so quickly to the dormitories. No one else had returned from the ceremony yet, and it was unlikely they would for hours if the alcohol content of the dragon eye punch bowl was any indication.

They were at the door to his dorm in mere seconds, and stumbling into the room with a locking and silencing charm in place within seconds.

mature content lol

Her back hit the wall in an instant, and Tom's hands found their way to her waist in no time.

"Someone's eager." Lucia chuckled as his lips brushed her clavicles and lower, tongue slipping under the fabric of her dress to taste her skin. His knee rode up between her legs as she grasped his bicep for support.

"Careful there, I might have to stop if you don't keep quiet." Tom murmured against her skin, teasingly pressing his thigh against her in a way that made her gasp.

She pressed her lips together to prevent another snarky comment coming out, but noticed the twitch of a smile fight it's way to Tom's lips.

"This dress makes me want to do very bad things to you darling." Tom whispered as his hand slid up the material so it bunched at her hip, his hand splayed on the back of her thigh.

"Then why don't you take it off." Lucia dared say.

In one simple move, he ripped the dress down the front.

"Tom! That was expensive!" She exclaimed, looking down at the frayed and damaged fabric of the dress hanging off her shoulders.

"I'll fix it later, now shut that pretty mouth of yours before I silence it by putting something in it." Tom spoke scoldingly, pushing the dress down her shoulders so she was left only in undergarments.

"Do it, I dare you." Lucia smirked as his eyes darkened. He looked at her, then flicked his eyes down and back up to return to hers.

That was the only direction she needed.

Lucia sunk to her knees, the wall cold against her back if she leaned there. Her hands came to his belt buckle, unfastening it with practiced hands and undoing his dress pants. She pulled down the band of his boxers and grasped his length in her hand.

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