sixteen: clouds

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trigger warning: drug use

After a few hours, Mel, Darcy and Lucia decided to part ways. Mel had drank a bit much, a regular occurrence due to her low alcohol tolerance. She was put quickly into an Uber with a bottle of water.

Lucia hugged Darcy goodbye, as she swiftly put a package in Lucia's bag, giving her a wink as she withdrew from the embrace.

"I've missed you bitch, we'll have to go out properly again soon." Darcy said warmly, kissing Lucia's cheek.

"For sure, I need a night out." Lucia replied, "Ah, my Uber is here. I'll text you and we can work something out."

"Perfect. Stay safe." Darcy said as Lucia got into the car.

"Bye!" Lucia called from the open window, waving embarrassingly.

Once they had covered some distance, she closed the window and sat back into her seat, resting her head back against the headrest and sighing deeply.

"Busy afternoon?" She asked conversationally to the driver.

"Not too bad. The car spent the morning at the cleaners though since someone puked last night." The lady said casually.

"Oh." Lucia said, having preferred not having that information.

"Don't worry dear, I have my car cleaned so deeply its practically a new vehicle." The driver assured.

Lucia chuckled, feeling a bit more relieved from the drivers' confidence.

Her hands fiddled with her bag, first down the smooth wood of her wand, and then to the plastic of the bag from Darcy.

She stole a glance down, and was pleasantly surprised at the quantity. There was about twice what she had payed for in there.

Lucia ran her fingers along the bag, as the hum of traffic beyond the shell of the car and the soft purr of the radio created a hypnotic kind of white noise.

She didn't even realise the driver had stopped outside the hotel.

"Here we are dear, have a nice night." She smiled at Lucia.

"Thanks so much." Lucia rushed as she got out of the car, seeing the traffic already building up behind the vehicle.

She quickly made her way to the elevator, so immersed in her own thoughts that she was at the entrance to the room in what seemed like no time.

"Tom, I'm back." She announced as she entered, greeted with the familiar sight of Tom on his bed with his diary on his lap.

"Did you enjoy your time out?" He asked, only looking up for a moment to take in her appearance before going back to scrawling in his diary.

"I did actually." Lucia said as she placed her bag on the table, "Get up to much while I was out?"

"Sacrificed a few muggles, talked to a serpent. That's about all." Tom said in a very casual tone.

"Did you just use sarcasm?" Lucia gaped, not used to this side of Tom.

"I believe so." He said, looking up again and allowing his lips to crook up into an oh so charming smile.

Lucia enjoyed it when Tom wasn't so guarded, and when he let his emotions show through instead of hiding them behind his aura of aristocratic superiority. It made him seem more human, where he submitted to basic human affairs such as joking.

The sky was beginning to show signs of nightfall, as the clouds began to have a pinkish hue that made them look like an enlarged kind of fairy floss.

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