three: immortal

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Confused and disoriented, Lucia opened her eyes to take in the gleaming light that streamed into the room.

She sat up, her skirt bunched high up on her thighs and bandeau askew. As she gazed in the bed that was only a metre away, she recalled the events of the night before and quickly adjusted her clothing to cover herself.

Tom had picked up the guestbook and was gazing at it rather intently.

"Um... Hi." Her voice came out rather raspy, and she rubbed her eyes as she picked up her phone to see the time.

"Hi." He replied, sounding rather bored and not raising his eyes from the book.

"I was such a mess last night I'm so sorry." She revealed, sighing in annoyance at herself..

"Don't worry about it." He dismissed.

"I need a shower." She stated, seeing as her roommate seemed not to want a conversation yet.

She got out of her bed and walked to the bathroom. She looked exhausted, and incredibly hungover.

After closing the door, she twisted the taps to make a waterfall of steaming water rain down in the shower.

After stepping out of last night's clothing, she slipped into the shower and inhaled the steam deeply. The memories swaying in the sea of sweaty bodies the night before drifted down the plug hole as she moved to allow the hot water to grace the tired muscles of her shoulders.

After washing her hair and body thoroughly, now smelling of the vanilla products that were placed on the shower shelf, she got out.

After drying herself, she considered her options.

There was a white robe sitting on one of the shelves. It was either that or put on her clothes from last night. She chose the robe.

She wrapped herself tightly in it, the white cotton feeling much gentler than the harsh material her outfit last night. Lines still marked her stomach from sleeping in the tight skirt, so she was relieved to feel the softness of the robe on her skin instead.

She emerged from the bathroom to find Tom in the same position as when she'd left, but he was holding her phone and fiddling with it confusedly.

She sat on the edge of his bed and took the phone from him.

"Hasn't anybody ever told you that it's rude to go through someone's phone?" She prodded, "There could be something indecent on there."

His eyes widened.

The truth was, there were some indecent photographs on there. But without her password, he couldn't unlock the phone to see them.

"You need to tell me the truth, what's with all the weird questions? Why do you seem like you don't know anything about the world?"

He chewed his cheek in thought. It could be useful to have someone who knew, to make sure he could do what he needed to in this time, an insider at Hogwarts.

If she flipped out, he could just obliviate her memory like he'd originally planned.

"You have to swear to never tell another soul if I tell you. Or I will make you regret it 'till the day you die." He said sternly.

"Do I look like I have anyone to tell? I'm in a random hotel with a guy I just met when I was at a club by myself." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't make me regret this... My name is Tom Riddle. I used a time turner to come from 1945 to the present. I'm in search of how to make myself immortal." He explained, not much emotion lacing his smooth voice.

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