four: towel

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He chewed his cheek, gazing across the road to a couple walking in activewear hand-in-hand.

"So, what are your plans from here?" Lucia broke the silence.

"Stick around for a bit, work out a plan." Tom reasoned. He had planned so extensively how to get to the future, to witness the aftermath of Lord Voldemort's wrath. However, now that he was here, he was unsure where to start. He had expected a world of turmoil where he could be a light and saviour, convincing eager followers to help him on his treacherous path to immortality.

But here he was, ordering vegan food with a random witch who drank too much and trusted too easily.

Somehow, he felt this was fate's way of saying that his original plan wouldn't work. That he needed to see where this strange girl would lead him.

From his previous experiences, him trying to manipulate every little variable had only led to his ultimate demise.

This time was different. He would succeed.

No matter what was thrown his way.

The two sat in silence as they waited for their food. Lucia was rubbing her tired eyes and Tom was observing the different people walking the street.

The pink haired waitress finally returned with two plates, and settled them down on the wobbly table.

"Thank you." Lucia flashed a smile.

As the girl walked away, she looked at her napkin and saw blue pen scrawled on the corner with her number.

She smirked and flashed it to Tom.

"That's how you get girls these days." She laughed.

Tom exhaled with humour and began to eat. He hadn't realised how hungry he'd become until the smell of the food met him. It often happened that he'd become so absorbed in something that his hunger signals didn't register.

As he ate the tofu, he thought that maybe vegan food wasn't as bad as he imagined it would be.

"So what was it like, back in the 40s? Aside from the racism and blood prejudice of course." Lucia queried, realising the rare opportunity she had to talk to someone of the past.

"Classy, elegant, and much more... private." He worded carefully.

Lucia sliced another bit of pancake and picked it up with her fingers.

"And table manners were much more prominent." He added.

She pretended to look offended, then stuck her finger into her mouth to suck off the syrup coating it.

Tom stared wide eyed, swallowing harshly and forcing his gaze to rest at a pigeon nearby.

Lucia laughed, pleased by his reaction. Served him right for trying to imply her lack of class when she could unravel him with just that.

"It sounds dreadful, having to constantly make sure you were abiding to the social norms." Lucia continued.

"It's not really, you just grow up with it." He replied.

"So what are your thoughts of me, Mr Conservative?" She asked, "Surely in your time I would be a sinner, with the drugs, drinking, my clothes, my sexuality..."

"I'm still trying to figure you out." He simply responded, "I've never met anyone like you. It's very frustrating."

"I take it you're used to seeing straight through people? I can see the way you try to read everyone who passes by." Lucia observed, "Well I'm delighted to be an exception."

Tom sighed, sipping his coffee. Soy milk was strange, and he wondered why anyone would desire to milk soybeans in the first place when there were so many mammals on earth they could milk instead.

They finished their breakfast. Lucia went up to pay for the food and Tom could see her giggling with the waitress while she tapped her card.

She walked out of the cafe to meet Tom on the footpath.

"Let's get you some clothes." She declared.

His clothes suited him, but were very of his time. He couldn't wear the same clothes forever, and he didn't know how long he'd be staying.

They walked for a few minutes until they reached a vintage shop. When they entered, a little bell rung and a girl with long black hair emerged from behind a curtain.

Lucia smiled at her and led Tom to the men's section.

Tom eyed the clothing suspiciously. It was very loud, with many colourful patterns and harsh graphic t-shirts. He hoped she wouldn't pick anything so bright.

Lucia reached to pick a few pairs of jeans up, varying in sizes so he could try them on. She then grabbed several plain t-shirts and a couple of muted coloured sweatshirts.

She then led him to the changing rooms at the back and pushed the clothes into his arms.

"Just try everything on, and if there's anything that doesn't fit put them in a seperate pile." She instructed and pushed him towards the small room. "You don't have to show me, I trust your judgement."

Tom walked reluctantly into the changing room, and Lucia went back into the isles to browse for herself.

Tom returned shortly holding two piles, one with all the shirts, sweatshirts and a couple of pairs of jeans, the other with just two pairs of the jeans that hadn't fit.

Lucia smiled and took the pile from him and brought them up to the counter, paying for them with a tap of her card.

"Thank you for this." Tom muttered as the exited the shop. He rarely thanked people, but the deeds she'd done for him were hard to ignore.

"Don't worry about it! Let's go to the department store down the street to get some of the more essential items." She replied.

Again, they walked for a couple of minutes. Tom continued to people-watch curiously.

They got to a large shop with a blue light-up sign and entered.

Lucia walked straight for the section with toiletry products, picking shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and various other essentials. They walked to another section lined with various undergarments.

Tom wanted to put his head in his hands, but Lucia grabbed various pairs of boxers from the racks and shoved them into his hands.

"I don't know what you like, but this is what most people wear these days." She said casually.

It was very strange, but she didn't make it uncomfortable.

They payed for the items they'd found and exited the store, then made their way back to the hotel.

When they entered the hotel room, Tom went to have a shower.

Lucia lay on her bed and fiddled with her wand. She made a couple of pillows dance around the room before she got bored and opened her phone.

She heard the shower stop, and shortly after Tom emerged. His dark curly hair was dripping, and he stood shirtless with a white towel tied loosely around his waist.

Lucia's breath hitched. He looked God-like and she had to avert her eyes to stop her cheeks flushing.

Tom smirked at her reaction, "Can I have my clothes?"

"Yeah of course." She got up from the bed and fumbled through the bags to pull out an outfit, her hands were shaking slightly.

She walked over to Tom, bravely making eye contact as she held out the clothes. They were very close. She could feel the heat from the shower radiating off him and smell the musky scent of the shower products she'd bought for him.

He reached out to grab the clothes from her, maintaining the eye contact she'd initiated. Their fingers brushed, and she felt a shudder run through her at the contact.

Too soon, he turned away and walked back into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

how it feels to be alive {tom riddle}Where stories live. Discover now