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Hi everyone it's me author, I've gotta say a few things.

So first off I'm probably gonna be discontinuing this book. I've kinda just fell out if Haikyuu and writing the characters is kinda difficult now that I don't really watch it.

I still love Haikyuu a lot, but its just difficult to write about it.

I may just end up finishing the drafts I have and publishing them, but I'm not completely sure about it.

I apologize for not posting more but my life has been pretty chaotic for months and I just haven't been in the mood to write.

That and I've been devoting a lot of my spare time to drawing and planning a book series that will soon be published.

I hope you all understand.

I hope you all have a good day or night. Remember to stay hydrated and eat well.

Thanks for reading this far, and supporting the book. I appreciate it a lot.

With that, I bid you all farewell.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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