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A/n: I'm back now ^-^. Things with my family have been cleared up and I can go back to freely writing. It's nice to be back and I'm sorry for taking so long. Thank you all for understanding. Now let's start with the story..



∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞

You giggled as you ran after your older brother, he was a lot faster of course, but he slowed down just for you. He was thirteen and you were only seven yet, the both of you were inseparable since the day you were born.

The snow fell around you both, but you didn't stop your game of tag. The both of you were covered with thick jackets. "Bokuto!" You ran closer to him and giggled, you were just about to tag him, when you slid on the snow.

You let out a yelp as you face planted on the cold ground. Face first into the snow, you remained still for a second before giggling. You could hear Bokuto panic, and run towards you. His gloved hands came into contact as he pulled you up. Eyes wide with concern, he looked you over to see if you had hurt yourself in the fall.

With the thick layer of snow, you could never be sure what was underneath. He pouted when he saw that you were still giggling. "Okay Y/n, let's go back inside now. I don't want you getting sick."

You nodded your head, before jumping up and skipping back towards your home. A smile was plastered on your face as you skipped along. Bokuto was sprinting to catch up with you, and when he did he merely started walking. His legs were longer than yours, and he was faster. One of your skips, was equal to his step.

A soft hum broke from you, as you returned home. Your breath was becoming visible in front of you, and the cold starting to sting your face. The walk became less pleasant as the wind started to blow. The cold gusts of wind stung your exposed skin, and brought tears to your eyes. Your nose had gone numb, as well as your fingers.

Your humming faltered, as you shivered in the cold. Earlier, when you fell in the snow, your clothes became damp, and now it was starting to come back and bite you. At the sound of your faltering humming, Bokuto looked back. His eyes softened, as he looks back at your shivering form.

He walked closer to you and brought you into a big hug. You welcomed his warmth, as you snuggled closer to him. He was so warm and inviting. A smile returned back onto your face as you closed your eyes.

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞

When you opened your eyes again, you were on the couch in your living room. A large thick blanket was draped over you, but it wasn't the same as the warmth that Bokuto gave off. With a frown you began to get up, yet a loud voice made you freeze in your place.

"How could you keep them out there that long!?" It was the voice of your mother. Her high pitched shrill screech made your ears ring. Why was she being so loud? Your mind was still a little groggy from sleep, but your mother's voice only gave you a headache.

"I'm sorry mother. We just got carried away, and then she fell asleep. I was walking slowly so I wouldn't  wake them." The voice was quiet, but you could recognize it as your brother's.

"Sorry?! Sorry isn't enough! What if they died out in the cold!?" Your headache only grew with each word, but her words caught you off guard. Bokuto could've gotten sick as well, why wasn't she worried about him?

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